London Tyke legend Slacki's son is on BGT tonight, with his awesome band Chapter 13. Heard a whisper their self written song is BFC related. If you can tear yourselves away from the football for 10 minutes, please have a look & don't forget to vote. Slacki Junior is on lead guitar & he's not half bad... Rock on..
Good luck young man, I wont be watching but I don't mind voting for them. I guess once the number to call is available it will be in here.
Probably, but at that point, you're just being unnecessarily petty and just looking for a reason to be a dick. Doesn't cost you anything.
I've loaded it just to vote for the lass from Normy and Chapter 13, don't even after watch all or any of the show. Don't after bother with the app. apart from the voting.
Apart from the drummer, were they all on pogo sticks? Music too loud so couldn’t hear a word they sung. Talented though.