The orange buffoon has landed and told Varadkar brexit will be just fine for Ireland and there'll be no problem with the wall. He "hears" it's all going to work out very well. Where the f**k he's heard that from god knows. Varadkar points out they absolutely don't want a wall or anything else. Trump informs us that they have border issues in the US too. Yes Donald. We know. Because we follow what's going on in the world unlike you who has the best briefings around to go on but can't be arsed to listen to them. F**k me!!!
While the Brexit vote was baffling, it will never be as utterly absurd as the people in America voting that steaming great turd into the most powerful office in the world. Even better there are people over here who champion him. Absolute dangers all of them.
I don’t like what Donald has to say about the environment - but some of it is understandable. Other than that he seems a proper tough fella. A fella that takes no foooking garbage. Says it as he sees it.
I've just ended up (I don't know how) watching a selection of press conferences. I cannot believe he's been allowed to get where he is, and I'm even more surprised he's not been assassinated.
Much of what is being said about Trump is being generated by wishy washy weak backed limp wristed witch hunting snivelling biased hard left campaigners. People like that Owen Jones creature.
No but I also don’t know of one where a single loser has got more than 50% of the vote. Or even the party with the most votes having fewer seats than the party with the second most. Though that could happen with our flawed system
That’s the fooking problem, though ‘ how he sees it’ Anyone who disagrees with him is ‘negative’ and if he doesn’t like what the press/ media report it’s ‘ fake News’
Do we want China to be the leading nation in the world - No. Do we want America to remain the leader of the free world - YES. Do we want countries like Iran to get hold of nuclear weapons - NO. Do we want America to be overrun with people, often bringing with them gangsters, from Mexico and Central America - NO. I’m NOT a huge fan of Trump - but we need a president with a backbone. And he has.
Largest proportion of votes in a GE was 60% by the Tories in 1931 and they managed 49.70% in 1955. Labours highest share was apparently 48.80% in 1951.
I’ve news for you, China is a leading nation in the world. You don’t speak for me when you want America to ‘remain leader’ of the free world.