Agree with most of that ik. This isn't a pro Obama comment as such but America is simply continuing the upward economic trend that lasted throughout Obama's tenure. And he had to start by digging them out of the global crash. Unfortunately thete will be a significant number of Americans, same as anywhere else, that will vote depending on their assessment of how the economy looks for them.
Under Trump nations know not to fook with America, economically or militarily, whatever you may think of the way he does things the tide is turning across the western world, call it the far right if you wish but I think he’s been a far more effective president both domestically and internationally than the previous president. You may not like his style of office, you may not like what he stands for, but I’d rather him in the White House that Hilary Clinton.
Domestically he has removed a raft of legislation designed to protect the individual. Undone environmental protections. Passed a tax law to benefit the rich and hugely widened an already significant rift within American society rather than try to bring people together. Internationally he has achieved nothing beyond supporting an Israeli state bent on crushing the Palestinians, undermining alliances and making himself both reviled and a laughing stock simultaneously. Way to go.
To just discuss trump is to completely misunderstand why the US ended up with him . Trump's did nt just happen , he was 30 years in the making . Personally he's not my cup of tea , but I do have some basic understanding why the yanks voted for him . Just attacking trump is not a valid argument .
20 years in Ireland actually living in a Gaeltacht - never had a single issue with my nationality over here. I also referee Gaelic games (for 10 years now), and never once had my Nationality raised as an issue, despite my occasional bad decisions. There is a very small minority in Ireland who are strongly anti English (and with good reason if you look at the history) but generally the Irish seem to view the neighbour's with affection, and at the moment a strong level of disbelief.
Hmmm!! I am not getting dragged into the arguments about the 'Orange One' but have to take issue with you when it comes to history and point out that you are being rather 'selective' regarding the motivation of Russia and China regarding their wartime actions which was not altruistic but an act of self-preservation . It is true Russia were undoubtedly the mnfluential force in defeating the Axis and great cost but the day operation Barbarossa launched there were trainloads of Russian made, Germany bound armaments crossing the border at the same time German troops lauched their attack. Prior to that double cross Stalin didn't give two hoots about Hitler's policies and persecution of Jews, non Aryan, certain relligious sects etc.. Stalin's regime was no better with millions perishing in Gulags and systematic extermination and asassination of opponents. They started the wasr as members of the Axis with a pact with Germany Look up the conflict between China and Japan China lost much territory in the Sino Japanese war and in the 1937Japanese invasion. The scorched Earth tactics of the Japanese resulted in millions of deaths The conflict becames stagnated by 1940. The tide only really turned when China realised they needed to drag the American into the war by proving they could offer resistance against the Japanese. In any event the Japan attacked Pearl Harbour (Harbor??) brought America into the war. which dragged the region into the greater conflict of WW2. It is the case that America's involvement shortened the Sino Japanese conflict which would have dragged on resulting in millions more deaths.
firstly we should all be friends, fcukin regardless of nationality but please remember the russians only became our allies after the germans decided to take them on too, the russians fought the eastern front to protect their own interests and not to liberate western europe the chinese were already at war with japan before joining the allies
A close friend of mine was the (then) Liberal Councillor in Aberdeenshire who voted down Trump's golf course. You would not believe the evil, illegal pressure applied by the Trump organisation used to crush this honourable man and in innocent family. Trump is a very dangerous person.
In 2010 - me and mi brother and 4 of mi cousins went to see where our grandfather was born and brought up on the banks of Lough Conn near a place called Pontoon Bridge. We all stayed in the same hotel. Me and mi brother were the last to go to bed and we sat having a drink at the bar. These Irish lads were telling us how foooking bad and disgusting the English were - and how badly the English had been to the Irish. We told them that where we come from those same English people (aristocracy) that they were talking about were sending our ancestors at 5 year old down coal pits and starving people back to work etc etc etc. They didn’t like to hear that - because they always like to play the victim. Any way things escalated and ended up with the bar man waving about and threatening me and mi brother with a table leg.
Peoples Republic of Cork The similarities to Yorkshire are quite striking - largest county in Ireland, Corkmen first, Irishmen second, chips on both shoulders
Wife and family are from Sligo, and wouldn't have a good word for Mayo. Just like England, these are the minority. I find, just like England, the Irish can have an anti-nation slant, but one on one are as sound as anybody. And of course there is always the overarching premise to live by - don't be a "c"!!
Wow. Given that's he's doing his best to take the US and by default the rest of the planet into major conflict with countries with nuclear capability, I'd have a think lad....
I’ve mentioned this before on this message board. One of my relatives in Ireland was Dermot Earley - Chief of Staff for the Defence Department. He’s dead now. But we very much looked alike.
If you have ever bought anything from Foxford Woolen Mills then you have bought something from mi second cousin Joe Queenan.
So your a Rossie ? Dermot Earley probably best known for his GAA/Football exploits rather then his position as Chief of Staff of the Irish Defence forces.
I fully understand why the Americans ended up with him and I've got no love for Clinton either. It's why I keep banging on about the divisiveness of two party politics. It's got toxic both over there and in the UK and when a specimen like Trump somehow becomes the cuckoo in one of the nests this is what you can end up with.