It's a fair point that his cousin was ok with it. Still wouldn't describe driving a car at those speeds "a bit of fun" its completely reckless, irresponsible and showing a total disregard for the lives of others.
I agree & it’s a bit more than your slight speeding that many of us do or have done but ultimately that’s all they went out there with the intention of doing to have a bit of fun. If someone else had been killed not in the car then I’d be furious with them but as it is it’s just them two.
Really? Wow. I’m sorry you won’t sit down with a beer but hey ho. It’s a shame you’re always so angry all the time, you appear to be quite intelligent occasionally. I wouldn’t actively seek to wind you up unless of course you were to pour vitriol on the football club, staff and players that I feel so strongly about. Then I have the right to reply. As for that earlier disgusting tirade well, I guess I’ll have to answer that too. Just put me on ignore if that makes you feel better.
Last reply. We had a conversation on these lines before and I said if you disagree tell my why and we can have a debate. You just carried on with the patronising "Jimmy" *****. I don't really see you try and debate anything with anybody and that's why I can't see any value to you posting on here. My opinion. Maybe I went too far but it doesn't change my opinion. I'm not going to put you on ignore but I don't think we have anything more to say to each other.