Are people aware that apart from the loony left, marxist, terror-friendly, anti peace animal that is Corbyn the Conservative party under the strong, 'Im not for turning' leadership of M. Thatcher were in contact and negotiating with the IRA? Just thought I'd say.
The beast didn't share their ideology though did she? Anyone trying to stop innocent people, including children, from being murdered is surely the right way to go. So you're comparing Thatcher with Corbyn: interesting. Two individuals right out there at the extremes of their parties, two much derided (and indeed hated by many) individuals at the opposite end of the spectrum. Two people who 'worked' for peace for very different reasons. There is no peace though is there? People are still being murdered.
It's clear from the demise of the Change Party that extremes are what the electorate want, so it's no surprise that Corbyn is seen in that light. They were founded on the idea that there was room for a middle of the road party. Brexit has meant that there is no middle of the road any more, your either for us, or against us. I don't have a problem with Corbyn's Marxist philosophy, but I do have a problem with his leadership abilities and his seeming inability to provide a clear message. You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.
Whats not clear about wanting a General Election and if not that a third referendum on the deal on offer
It's quite clear that you can fool people all the time while ever there is a willing media to spin and promote a particular slant. It's even possible to convince people they aren't being fooled.
Peace won’t stop all murders as it too ingrained in the history for some of the extremists and also people who are criminally minded who’d probably be doing similar but hide behind paramilitary . The peace process is definitely working violence on the scale of the seventies and eighties is nowhere near that level . The arms the IRA surrendered were significant and the ability to arm other paramilitaries to that extent is improbable. Of course there are people who have lost loved ones etc and most have forgiven for the sake of the process although there will be some who won’t/can’t and it’ll take a generation maybe to forgive. Obviously there’s the ones who lament in the troubles and sing their rebel/unionist songs but all in all the peace process is working as most people in NI on both sides don’t want to slide back into the dark days and are working with each other to overcome this . Of course we stil have to be vigilant and starve the offenders of air for their bile and we must never allow them to slip back . There’s always some who will carry or inherit the past troubles as is always the case . In USA there’s some who still lament the civil war and all the hatred of abolishing slavery etc andvtheres still people who lament the Nazis so to say the ideals of the Terrorists will just go away is wide of the mark but we can work to isolate them as much as possible imo
Stop believing what you read in the Tory press.. They've had a vendetta and run a smear campaign since he came on the scene.. From all points of the UK its been get Corbyn... The ones in power and their pay masters are running scared of him he's a major threat to the hold they have on us all... Hence the lies and fake news... The conservatives have got away with murder with their policys whilst in power but yet the Media focus on Corbyn Imagine the out cry in the press if the Labour Party had hosted Trump and his statement.. Everything is on the table including the NHS.. Not only would there be an outcry they would have gone into melt down... Hardly anything said... Yes the Tory press should be congratulated for such a tremendous successful smear campaign but in reality they should hang their heads in shame for the lies and cover ups they fail to report. Don't let us forget who they the Tories are in bed with to form the government.. Another Irish terrorist group... Speaking of which how many photographs have you seen of high ranking Tory politicians shaking hands with the opposite Irish terror groups in the press.. Ask yourselves why they aren't published they exist.. The answer it doest serve purpose to publish them in the Tory run press. The Guy preaches peaceful dialogue he preaches fairness.. no one left behind is his slogan How many that slag JC and his policies have actually got off their backsides and gone and heard him speak.. Make the effort instead of acting like sheep believing everything they see hear in the media.. Go see hear for yourselves . Away from the Tory media a totally different picture is in reality to be had. I've posted this before ..... JC was speaking in Sheffield.. that week as usual the Tory propaganda machine was running its IRA terrorist sympathiser communist anti semantic anti British forces opposition leader rubbish as normal The wife who isn't politically motivated and has no interest in politics what's so ever was cajoled into taking me to Sheffield to hear Corbyn speak at a rally.. Under protest she stood in the crowd and listened to his speach... As usual certain folk were clapping every single word as you get at all political rallies however Corbyn outlined his vision he spoke in depth about austerity the NHS education policing broken communities disability military funding even Europe.. Covered all the important subjects.. Totally opposite to what the press were reporting... When he had finished I turned to the wife and said.. Well what do you think to your first political rally, I couldn't help noticing you were clapping a lot Clapping she replied... I'm blown away.. That's the first time I have ever heard what I believe put into words and about how our life's should be.. his ideals are right if he can deliver that we all will be better off.... I have a deep down feeling that I could trust him and yes he would get my vote for prime minister For what it's worth and I'm not suggesting you all run out and vote Labour (although it would be great) because of the wife's statement but for me it spoke volumes and confirmed what I too felt. Here was a man willing to stand and voice his ideals when truly it went against the establishment and their class rule and divide policy.. Here was a man who wasn't scared to tell the truth and call it like it is no matter if it was against what we take for granted because we've been forced fed lie after lie and here was a man willing to out the blairites and is also prepared to question blairs role via an inquiry to boot. Do your research for once we have a politician who we can trust... He is not a weather vane politician no matter what lies and fabrication the Tory run media would have you believe
I’m generally a fan of Corbyn but I would have to agree on the leadership point. At this time in this Country’s broken history it does look to be more of an issue. However he’s not the be all and end all of the Labour Party. Reading through a range of posters comments on here over the years I have to chuckle at those who denounce Corbyn/Labour for their extreme politics. How old are you! Eight? It’s a sign of how far this country has moved rightwards over the past forty years when today’s Labour party are denounced as extreme with a set of policies that are no more than centrist social democrat and wouldn’t have looked out of place in the Conservative party of the fifties and sixties. Truly laughable what people on here think is extreme - and coming from a zbarnsley background with our history.
It's got nothing to do with extremes. The 2016 referendum delivered the largest democratic mandate this country has ever seen, in favour of leaving the EU, which confirms that wanting to see the outcome of that properly delivered and 'Brexit' enacted (with or without a 'deal') is not in any way extreme, but is in fact the mainstream view; the norm, and quite clearly the will of a significant majority. The only extremists in this sorry saga are those who are perpetually seeking to frustrate, dilute, or overturn that mandate, including our worthless (if I'm being kind) politicians, the likes of the BBC, and of course all those remoaners who still don't appear to have developed the necessary emotional maturity to accept the result of the referendum, and instead seek endless comfort from trying to re-run all those same arguments that were rejected by the majority in 2016, usually with their fellow remoaners within whatever echo-chambers they tend to inhabit. Change UK and their raison d'être embodied that remoaner position, setting them significantly at odds with the majority view, and that is why they are as expected disappearing without a trace, while the likes of the Brexit Party surge. Whilst the Labour Party under Corbyn and his acolytes looks unelectable, their resident politburo has the same problem - either commit to delivering the result of the referendum which might see them win some support (and respect) back from the mainstream that has deserted it, or seek to oppose/frustrate the referendum result, which most likely means oblivion. That problem is further exacerbated by the fact that they (like the Tories) committed to honouring it at the previous election, and we can all see how that's gone. I agree there is no middle ground in that respect but this, and the need to make a proper decision re in or out, was the reason we had a referendum in the first place.
3% or just less is not the largest democratic mandate ever seen in anybody’s book . Yes there were record numbers voted for but also record numbers voted against . To just ignore 48%per cent of the voters is political suicide and that’s why the stalemate . Whichever way the next govt takes us is gonna be testing times especially if there is any industrial or domestic fallout if they take us out .
It's entirely fair to say that large numbers also voted for remain, but they were still outnumbered by those who voted to leave, which now needs to happen. The Govt (this or the next one) have to take us out or who knows what'll happen next. Isn't the point of a referendum to make this kind of decision, especially when you can't have it both ways (i.e. be both in and out of the EU), and thus ensure there is no stalemate? It's not a question of ignoring the losing side, but the losing side respecting and abiding by the decision, otherwise we don't have a democracy.
The Tories lost all credibility of leading the exit when they refused an all cross party parliamentary negotiating consensus . The closeness of the vote prompted a major rethink in politicians as a damned if I do and damned if I don’t thinking. Most MPs are truly worried of the damage leave could cause their constituents as no one truly knows how our economy will be affected . The closeness of the vote had also given legitimacy to a rethink and possible second referendum . The cavalier attitude to leave and dismissing any possible downsides without any govt investigation is worrying especially as almost everything is scrutinised by govt depts before being implemented on any other subjects . I’m all for democracy but this is a shambles on an epic scale and had been strung together to save a political party rather than any logical or rational evidence.I will not stand by and let this country walk into something before it is rationalised and scrutinised as other major policies are. I keep hearing a massive turnout and record votes this that and other but it wasn’t all for leave. The majority is so slim that it is irresponsible if MPs to take us out and deep down I think they know this and are buying time till proper evidence can be debated