Quoted in his pitch for PM...… that, his "business know-how" had allowed him to bring in positive changes to education, the environment and the justice system while in his various ministerial roles. I rather think it would be hard to find, heads, teachers and parents who would agree with that claim. On the drug taking, I think that one or two papers have concentrated to much on the fact he snorted cocaine rather than the point that he wrote an article condemning it at the same time. That is the perfect example of why he (like many political figures), cannot be trusted. It is not as if it was a one-off experiment of an immature youth, but multiple occasions by a 30 year old man, which is unlike most of the other 'candidates' (God help us!) for whom it was a youthful one off experiment. Hypocrisy of the highest order indeed! The message to we 'plebs' appears to be that, in order to to take drugs with impunity, become a politician, or, if caught, use the excuse?? that at the time you took them you had no intention or aspirations to become a politician or take up public office (Gove's mitigation apparently) WTF?? The replacement for May's vacated post becomes more comedic by the day
Don’t get it with Gove, he’s already known as a backstabber and the bloke doesn’t even look vaguely likeable! Yet he expects folk to vote for him.
I always try to look past physical appearance when it comes to judging people but with Gove I cannot help being reminded of Mr Bean
I care more for the fact he was largely to blame for bringing the education system in this country (including our hard working teachers) to their knees, than him having the odd nosebag, which lets face it, shitloads a folk have and still do it. Says a lot about our society nowadays that he havin a 'cheeky key' a few years ago seems abhorent but the failure of our school system and our childrens future seems to be ok.
Interesting that the right wing press are rubbishing him! Perhaps they see him as a rival to their darling Boris! They don’t seem to be bringing up his countless “mistakes” I don’t care too much cos they are all detestable
Hmmmm, I wonder what he’s got in mind to replace the lost revenue from that then. I bet it won’t include increasing anything that affect the top echelons of Society or big businesses ( The Tory paymasters). Incidentally, I think it should be reduced by about half it’s current rate and stop giving tax breaks to the wealthy to help towards paying for it.
The fact that Johnson’s campaign team appears to think that the best way to get him elected is for him not to speak, actually speaks more than any critic ever could. It says “THIS MAN CANNOT BE TRUSTED!!!!’
Anybody who believes for a second that half of Parliament isn't either taking or around people who are taking coke every other weekend is insane. This goes double for anybody who's worked in finance or the media. It's absolute madness that we're expected to believe that Boris Johnson, of all people, has never taken illegal drugs. Re. VAT, I'm happy that somebody is actually looking at it. It's an odd tax all round, to be honest - needlessly complicated and, for small businesses, the cliff edge you fall of when you need to become VAT-registered is, I think, a real disadvantage to early growth and leads to businesses either not growing as they could or engaging in tax avoidance. The possibility of replacing it with a sales tax is a tempting one on the face of it, and I'm surprised nobody's really talked about it as one of the real possibilities for improvement once we're out of the EU.
http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-36430504 While in the EU the UK cannot lower VAT under 15% . I doubt the EU will allow the UK access to the single market should we leave and let us scrap VAT all together ; https://www.cityam.com/uk-taxpayers-second-highest-contributor-vat-eu-budget/ What with them taking a cut of every VAT transaction.......
Prefer John McDonalds idea if he ever becomes Chancellor. He would impose a cap on credit card payments to restrict persistent debt, by ensuring that a customer will not pay more in interest charges than the original credit limit on their card. That would affect approximately 8.3 million people with collective debts of some £200 billion. When the green taxes were first introduced, the Energy firms were meant to bear the costs. All they did, was put their prices up to their Industrial and Commercial customers to cover what was intended to be their obligations. We don't know Goves plans around lowering VAT and introducing a sales tax, but you can bet your life it will be the paying public that eventually picks up the tab in one form or another, not the Treasury. Yet more smoke and mirrors as far as I'm concerned. https://www.moneymt.co.uk/blog/labour-propose-cap-credit-card-debt/
Grove is the smoothest most silver tongued of all those in the House of Commons. He has excess baggage however and a face in need of slapping with a wet kipper. The interview with Marr was ridiculous however in its treatment of Gove's big idea about abolishing vat. We got no idea at all about might be an alternative.
With that racist, xenophobic, thick as pigsh*t, serial adulterer and pathological liar Johnson looking like the next PM, it’s a fairly safe bet to say we are completely and utterly fooked, to borrow common parlance. How, in God’s name, could you vote for that thing?!?? He’ll certainly take the heat off Trump & the US as the world’s biggest laughing stock for a few months....
I was thinking that actually. We haven’t heard from Johnson much at all, they’ve obviously taken the line that less is more. Less being the chance to show that he’s a liability.
No one else does. ( look past physical appearance that is) Take a look at the pictures of party leaders since James Callaghan the person in charge of the labour or tory party who looks most prime ministerial has become the next prime minister. stuff policies - stuff polls. It's about who looks most statesperson like. Even looking at minor parties - just look at the storming performance of the SNP when they ditched Salmond and Sturgeon got herself an image consultant stopped looking like Jimmy Crankie and started looking like a professional. I Guess why Tom Watson's been on a diet! He's been taking my advice and planning a leadership push next time. Looking at this as the major factor - certainly the key indicator over the last 40 years in who wins an election - Gove vs. Corbyn is closer than Kinnock and Major - and the spectacles got Major over the line.. However my gut feel is i'd go with Corbyn if he's brushed his hair. If Raab gets in it's a shoe in for the Tories. Leadsome for me swings it if the press don't screw her over again - like they did in the last leadership campaign - Anyone else other than Boris - who is a complete wild card on the statesman looksometer - Corbyn can out statesman the rest if he keeps his jacket and tie on.
Well, I hope my leftist political leanings are clear from previous posts but i’m sure this comment will still not go down well. Gove is by some distance the best Secretary of State for the Environment that i’ve seen in the last thirty years. His ideas are way beyond the Tory party mainstream and (sadly) way beyond anything in the Lab Party at the moment. He’s probably the best (for the country) candidate in the race. I say that on the understanding that Rory Stewart, who imo is one of the top five MPs in the Country, won’t get into the run off for the top two. Johnson. Unworthy of comment.