I've just returned from a holiday where I got abused in a pub for wearing a t shirt that says "don't blame me, I voted remain". I had never even spoke to this individual. He ended up being dragged out of the pub by his wife shouting Brexit party at me. I'm not suggesting everyone who voted out is a thug, but it does seem to me that most if not all people who can be described as thugs/ idiots voted out. The country is split like never before - this thread accurately illustrates the point, and who is totally 100% to blame for this - the Conservative party. This was their row that they allowed to spill out into the country. There has never been so much bitterness and hate in all my lifetime. This could actually spell the end for the Tories, which if it happens is no more than they deserve. Unfortunately what replaces them in the form of fascist Farridge is even worse.
True. Why do people stoop to the level of bile and name calling is beyond me. (cnuuts, donkeys etc) I wouldn’t have many mates if they all agreed with my outlook on things. Some have political views different to mine. Some make racist comments and are pulled to task. A lot of political correctness infuriates me. I don’t agree with every single policy of the party I support and sometimes agree with some policies of of other parties. But for me Jeremy Corbyn shares most of my values. One poster said get him in to show his shortfalls. I say get him in to restore the country to one of values. If it fails then let’s debate again after a term .
I'm a staunch remainer but if I was a leaver I would see that t-shirt and think "what a smug ****". I can understand why it would be a red rag to a bull. Not saying you deserved the abuse though.
I went to Iceland on the Harborough hill site wearing a Corbyn t-shirt and was called a traitor like him, commie etc. Who would ever have imagined that happening in Barnsley ever with a Labour leader?
That was t He was out of order, but and it's a big but, you may as well have had a t shirt saying " I blame leavers"
I'd never wear a message like that - there are simply too many nutters around for it to do anything other than put you at risk. Totally share the sentiments though. Other nationals must look at us and wonder what sort of crazy we are to be voting like we did. I'll content myself that my maroon passport will carry the European Union label until 2027. Maybe we'll have seen the light by then!
I haven't wore that shirt round town - just as well maybe, but just after the vote someone was in my local wearing an "i voted out" shirt. I don't suppose he ever got abuse for that - not in Barnsley anyway. The point I'm making is that the chances of getting your lights punched out is greater if you're a remainer for the fact that most of the hooligans aren't.
Best part of this thread is someone telling Airtyke, as polite, placid, gentlemanly and jovial a man as you could ever encounter, that he's filled with hate because he politely disagreed.
You dont have to be of a certain political pursuation just because you dont like somebody, I have many mates up north who come from working class backgrounds who were labour through and through until Corbyn took the reigns, the hatred/ anger/ they have for him is jaw dropping. I detested May and good riddance to the spineless jelly fish, but ( IMO I may add) labour wont get in as long as he is the ring master, for the reasons I mentioned.
For every labour leaver two have signed up . Labour leaders have had this at some point . Michael Foot , Harold Wilson , even Tory Blair . The most hatred imo comes from people who’d first words are “been labour all my life but can’t vote for so and so . That’s because they are swallowing the usual bile from the Torygraph , Scum etc . These people let the Tories in and that’s why they are exploited . Same **** different labour leader . Yawn
Is that for actual Labour Party members, or labour voters? If you’re denying a shift away from labour in usually labour strongholds... I would respectfully but strongly disagree.
Goodness me I know why you’ve said that in today’s climate etc but free speech, choice etc. Usually the things leavers claim to want. The fella had a t shirt on with a few words. No one had died, no one had offended anyone. Anyone who has a problem with it really needs there head felt.
Disagree all you want the proof is more people voted for the Labour Party in the last election than any time in history .
Just a bit of common sense really. Bit like if you were off to an away match and sat in the home end wearing your reds shirt for all to see. You shouldn't need to worry or get abuse but you're likely to. No sympathy i'm afraid. You shouldn't have to lock your doors on an evening but I bet you do. Same applies.
I think getting burgled is a bit different to wearing a t shirt. He wasn’t “in the home end” though he went into a public place where normal folk could and should respect others opinions however they express them. It was obviously a little tongue in cheek, if idiots choose to get offended then they need to have a word with themselves.