If there was a BBS meet up, and I wore a Leave is Leave T-shirt.... I’d probably be strung up from the nearest lamppost. To actually wear a T-shirt with such a slogan, just shows poor taste and dress sense to me...
You wouldn’t for goodness sake, normal people might have a joke with you, debate maybe but if you seriously think you’d be strung up then that says more about you than anyone else.
True that, I watched that bloke at the remainer rally being absolutely lambasted and ridiculed all that " shame on you ******" by a NHS woman who works in mental health. He was being set upon by ferrol lunatics who did what they did because he didn't have the same opinion as themselves
He was set upon by the residents of a port in north west Spain? Perhaps something got lost in translation.
My point/ analogy was that there are plenty of knobheads in society.... don't give them an opportunity. Simple as that.
Doubt it: not many tories in barnsley. Probably a leaver or brexit party supporter..someone to the right of the right i'd guess.
I do see what you are saying but my point is we shouldn’t have to bow down to those same nob heads, who lets face it didn’t give a hoot about the EU 3 years ago let alone start a fight about it now. Nob heads on both sides too that is. Strange times il agree!
I just took your point that he shouldn’t have worn it and the “no sympathy” part, as strange, all for wearing a t shirt that someone wished to find offence at. apologies if i wasn’t clear and apologies if I misunderstood you
To be even fairer sometimes it’s in the interpretation rather than the message . I’ve typed things on here and the recipient hasn’t taken it it how I meant it and visa versa. Sometimes conversations blow up out of all proportion without meaning to . Not saying it’s the case all the time mind but I can end conversations in real life and not cause offence but use the same words in type and cause all sorts of trouble lol
I'm sure that some remain voters would get drawn into ugly arguments etc. - me as well probably, but just ask yourself how did the Millwall thugs vote, and the Barnsley ones too. They are the ones who will settle an ugly argument with their fists. They have been empowered by the recent events. Whether it feels uncomfortable or not the decent leave voters agreed with the idiots. I would feel a little embarrassed by that personally. Please don't insult my intelligence by saying you don't know which way they voted.
Feral - in a wild state, especially after escape from captivity or domestication. Ferrol - a port in NW Spain, on the Atlantic.
No need to be punished. I shall put you in the phonetic club from now on, just so I can fully understand and treasure your posts.
leave does mean leave and boris will deliver, he is tim nice but dim but will stand up for what he believes in what you see is what you get