Never said it was. Get down off your high horse and stop the virtue signaling. I know this isn't the case here, but a daily commute to Southampton from Manchester is more than a good enough reason to fly. I assume you get the train everywhere, never drive?
Virtue signalling. Lol. You’re not going to convince me that there’s any need for you to travel to Southampton and back daily and you are killing the planet. Please get back on google and look for something else alt right to throw at me. Maybe call me a cultural Marxist? On your final point, yes. 3-4 years ago I got rid of my car and stopped eating meat for environmental reasons. Sithi.
Just a question and not having a go whatsoever but by stopping eating meat how does it help the environment
tad confused here! - why if you're going to be based in Guernsey are you wanting to be near Southampton. And why does your son need to be near London or Birmingham to get to Wales.
I will be working for a London-based company, on site in Guernsey usually 2-3 days per week. The other days I will be mainly working at home, with occasional trips into the city. In the future this could change and London has more opportunities than other cities. I could commute from home now, but this offers us the opportunity for a lifestyle change (living near the coast) that we are looking for. We could move to the North Wales coast, or another coastal area, but I'm trying to get in the best place for my future career and improve my work-life balance. Until I've finished my probation period, it will be harder to get a mortgage, so really looking to get some ideas together. Would be looking to move in the New Year. Southampton Airport has the best flights to Guernsey from the UK (4 per day) - Manchester has 2 on Monday/Tuesday, that go 10 minutes apart! Flight time is about halved, so the commute would go from 4 hours each way to nearer 2-2.5 (good for me), and I would be able to get to site earlier and leave later from Southampton (better for work if needed). For comparison, I currently commute 4-5 hours by train each way every week, so that in itself is not too much of an issue (except the boredom!). My daughter is at uni in North Wales, and would need the train to get there/back, which could be Chichester/Havant->London->North Wales or Southampton->Birmingham/Wolverhampton->North Wales - although Southampton->Cardiff->North Wales might be another option..Its 4-5 hours for her to get back to town now depending on the time and route, so she'd have an extra hour of so traveling, but less changes and hanging around. She is likely to be working Saturdays for the next year, so journeys home will be limited.
Are you aware that there is a channel island service from Bournemouth? (only just started and nowhere near as frequent as Southampton) I have a friend doing very similar work travel as you have outlined yours will be and has no issues travelling from Christchurch to London or Guernsey, in fact it can be quicker to Guernsey. Your big issue will be property, not so bad if you will be renting but buying is expensive and the nearer you are to the coast the dearer it can get. I took the decision to move to the coast almost 40 years ago. It was the best decision of my life. Two years ago we moved even closer to the beach, again a great decision but costly! I can advise you on specific areas from Southampton to Poole should you want more detail on a particular town or area. I will leave the area east of Southampton to others. From my 40 years knowledge, few people regret moving to the south coast, the big advantage of the coast west of Southampton are the fantastic beaches, i never tire of visiting them. Feel free to PM me if you would like to.
Farnham is about 40 mins by car from Southampton airport. Significantly longer by train as it’s on a branch line and to need to go back to Woking to get the Southampton train. We moved here because the Mrs got a job in Southampton and I was working in Woking but we stayed when She changed to working in London. Horrible journey in the rush hour. Farnham to London is about an hour on the train. May be too far from the coast though. Approx 45 mins to Portsmouth or an hour to a decent beach. I think it’s a good place to live if you have to be down south