Who do England play on Sunday in the knockout stages? Its against one of the best placed 3rd placed teams isn't it.
Serious answer. I didn't see enough of the last World Cup to comment. I presume it must have improved as more players become professional and will continue to do so until it reaches a point where it plateaus.
Must be a wind up. As much as I'm in favour of equality the reality is that the women's game is light years off the mens'. It would be the equivalent of sticking under 16s in the champions league
The men and women's game is obviously different. I get why it is on the bbc.Its a world cup. The physicality and pace is different but it doesn't make it any less entertaining. I hope England do well. I don't like golf or snooker on tv so I don't watch it. My choice. There are other tv channels.
Because of the simple reality of the physiological differences between the sexes. I'm not trying to put the women's game down but it's just nowhere near due to the insurmountable physical differences. You could assemble the best women's XI in the world and any conference team would beat it. It's like suggesting that a woman sprinter could beat Usain Bolt
I agree its worth watching on its own merit, and I'm enjoying the world cup. I was just replying to the suggestion of mixed teams.
Apologies from me. I missed the bit you were replying to I agree with that. What I don't understand (and this is nothing to do with anything you have posted), is why there needs to be a comparison with men's and women's sport, to justify its presence.
I agree, I don't think there does. I was just responding to the idea of mixed teams which is nonsensical. I think the women's game is strong enough to stand on its own feet. I think it would potentially benefit from a smaller pitch and smaller goals but then again this would restrict women's access to the game as most games will be played sharing men's pitches so I don't know if this is realistic.
Agree, I think the idea of smaller pitches/ goals is valid, but probably not practical from a Governing Body point of view. (The cost of re-sizing pitches/ goals at a time when decent pitches at grassroots level are already at a Premium). As it is, Women's Goalkeepers are physically / naturally weak above their heads. However, the ones who are trained are getting better and better. It's a developing game, but it's developing rapidly.
It might have improved, but second to none give over, all the practice you lot have had over the years, should be well used to it by now
It might have improved, but second to none thats cos they aren't naturally seven foot two, and don't even get me started on their knees!
I don’t think women will, or need to play against or with men. The level has improved significantly and has been very entertaining this year... especially at a time when there is a general sports lull. I watch women’s tennis with as much interest as the men’s, and mixed doubles seems ok. But physically they’re not tackling each other. Or having to physically touch each other. That said.... women played on the soccer aid teams this year, so someone’s allowed it somewhere. They didn’t look out of place against the overweight ageing celebrities either!
Little story for you. A couple of years ago my eldest lads team (U16s) were told they had a midweek game, but weren't told who the opponents were. So we turned up only to find it was the county women's team (who if I remember correctly were a year or two older). Basically they were using my lads team for practice. Anyway watching the teams warming up I began to fear for my son's team and was beginning to think they were about to get embarrassed big time. The girls first touch & control was streets ahead of my lads team. At this point I was already dreading the journey home. Anyway, game kicks off ... about 40 secs later my lads team were 1-0 up. Game finished 15-0 to my lads team. The girls were obviously more skill full than the boys but they just couldn't cope with the pace and power of the boys. lost every 50/50 tackle, couldn't handle being pressurised and not having time on the ball. It was a real eye opener. If you'd have asked me 1 minute before kick-off to place a bet I'd have put your house on the girls walking it. Unless girls become physically much stronger & quicker they won't be playing alongside each other (competitively) any time soon. Although I do coach a couple of teams ant U10s & U12s and one particular girl (a defender) has won player of the year 4 out of the last 5 years. Expecting that to change as puberty kicks in.