You’re going the same way that Dannywilsonslovechild went, so far to the “I’m the only progressive one on here, everyone else, even those with progressive views are right wing nazis for having common sense” that it becomes unbearable. It’s a shame, because I’ve often thought you were a good poster on here.
They lose any sense of perspective and end up contradicting themselves thus losing any credibility. Yesterday he was moaning about betting companies targeting vulnerable people. Today he's lamenting the death of a violent drug dealer.
I agree to a point Conan but betting companies DO target vulnerable people. Slot machines that allow someone to lose thousands in a session. No sensible person would pour a thousand quid into a slot machine in one go. I walked into a betting shop with a mate last year and was shocked at the number of ways they'd invented to casually rip people's money out of their pockets. This was the same mate who later told me he'd lost 11k while he was receiving treatment for cancer because his head wasn't straight. You'll never stop betting but the ways they are allowed to come up with to part the vulnerable from their money should be seriously reduced. As for the Huddersfield shooting I don't know the facts of the actual incident but it's a safe bet (irony) that he was going to end up killed at some point after ruining a lot of lives along the way.
I don't necessarily disagree with what you say about gambling companies and I don't know how you regulate it to protect the vulnerable but allow companies to market themselves. What I meant though, was how can you criticise these companies on one hand then be outraged at the death of a violent drug dealer? That's SJW "logic" for you.
I watched the two first episodes of this documentary. What was evident was the wall of silence from all but a few of the people the presenter tried to talk to and those that did agree to talk were heavily disguised with handguns in the waistband of their trousers. A really chilling thought is that the problem is not confined to what used to be a relatively quiet area of West Yorkshire. The next instalment of this very insightful programme is on the 26th June and I will definitely watch that. I hope that one of the outcomes is that Yassar Yaqub's father can find it within himself to finally admit that his son was not all he made out to be. His sons death could be used as a means of reminding the younger generation that it's not worth getting into the evil trade of selling drugs, thus helping to affect the lives of so many people.
Pretty much along the lines of how I see things in terms of an increase. I had a few years ago mutal freinds with Yasser and it was well known he was for want of a better term a gangster. Theres a big problem in West Yorkshire/East Lancashite with drugs and violence and i think without watching the documentary theres going to be little appetitte for change.
I would agree DEETEE. For a number of years, I did part time Youth Work in Wakefield and came into contact with a lot of Asian teenagers. What really struck me about them, was the genuine care they had for not only their own immediate families but for others around them , particularly their elders. Quite a few times, we had to put back the timing of certain planned events because of their need to be at the Mosque either to worship, learning more about the teachings of the prophet in the Koran, or attending special Asian community events. It was evident, that they all held their Imam in very high regard and for me, in trying to tackle gun crime, drug dealing and extremism, the Imam and the elders of the Mosque have not only a big responsibility but opportunity, to attempt to keep their young on the right path.
Unless the government makes the price of smack cheaper than they can ship it in from Pakistan then its a busted flush.
There's a straw man, sat in Conan's head... You don't disagree with either point made yesterday, you were just posting ***** to 'provoke debate' and be self-righteous at people trying to provide answers in a socially progressive manner. You can sympathise with people being exploited by gambling companies, and at the same time sympathise with people who sell drugs - do you think everyone who does so does it after careful analysis of every career possible, all of which are possible to everyone on society? There's no influence of cultural or social status, or exclusion whatsoever? It's a good way to make money if you have no qualifications. I bet this guy opted for it after deciding not to become Tory leader following a schooling at Eton. You can also sympathise with a third entity, being the police, who are underfunded, overstretched and underequipped, and expected to keep up massive social expectation at the same time. The issues are with the press and the government. You're fishing because you're bored in pre-season, as evidenced by you also not shutting up about women's football. I'm biting because you're doing my head in. Call me an SJW if you want.
I thought they shot because he didn't listen to police instructions and moved his hands from the dash. Well that's what I remember reading at the time, armed officers weren't wearing video cameras which would have cleared all that up and should be mandatory imo. I haven't watched the series but will give it a watch.
Where does the illicit opiates in the UK come from? If the bulk of the supply isn’t from three countries I’ll eat my IPad.
Give it away for registered users ends the dealers and ends having to steal to feed the habit. Will never happen though same with cannabis people making a routine out of it legalizing it would end that and save police time and resources but again won't happen. Something needs to change with drug laws though.
How much do you think heroin use cost the UK economy? Policing it? Thefts? Jail sentences? Methadone scripts? Deaths? Hospital time for users? Not to mention the young rats living it up driving cars working folk could only dream of owning selling the stuff. Heroin is a cheap drug in its native country it would be cheaper to do this and give better help for users, but like I said won't happen
Thought I was going to have an actual discussion with you on an interesting topic without Islam being mentioned. Knew I shouldn't have engaged. Anyway if you get chance watch The House I Live In. Completely changed my mind on the legalisation of drugs. Best documentary I've ever seen
Best thing would be to put me on ignore. We are so far apart with regards to drug dealers that we have nothing to say to each other.