I'm happy to go along with anything Daniel Stendel wants. I'm not arrogant enough to believe I know better than him as to who should be on his coaching staff.
I'm not calling anyone arrogant, I'm saying I'm not arrogant enough to believe I know better than Daniel Stendel as to who his coaching staff should be. As for everyone being allowed an opinion, I seem to remember you insisting Conor Hourihane should be stripped of the capataincy for complaining at the boos he thought were being directed at the team at half time at Crewe. You weren't that bothered about freedom of speach, then.
I'm not sure you've got the right bloke as far as any contretemps at Crewe are concerned - but nevertheless looking at it from an objective point of view - if it was my view then I was entitled to it and expressed it.. Freedom of speech has nothing to do with it. If you freely speak there may be consequences. That goes for Conor too. Having a different point of view does not make someone arrogant. If your opinion was different to Stendel's you would not be being arrogant.
Yes you did, under your previous user name of threadstopper. Believing I know better than Daniel Stendel is arrogance. I'm not stopping, or wanting to stop, anyone airing their views, which has everything to do with restricting their freedom of speach. I stand by every word I've posted on this thread. This is the last time I'm willing to discuss things with you, as you have a history of going round the board, picking arguments with posters. It was just going to be a question of time when it was my turn again.
You are the bbs shìt stirrer. He never said that and you knew full well it wasn't intended that way. You need to get out more.
I respond to those posts that seem to me to be worthy of response. Just like everyone else. Sometimes I agree, sometimes I don't. I have no side to take in any argument, because I know nobody on here. I am never abusive. I stick to the point. If you post something and I challenge it, that is not picking an argument. I will admit to having a history of taking people to task for posts they have made. If I don't agree with them. For example - you saying that if you believe that you know better than Stendel,then you're arrogant. You aren't arrogant. He's a manager. When he picks the team for any given Saturday I might think I'd have picked a different one. Believing that he might have picked a few different players does not make me arrogant.
Mmm.. well "Believing I know better than Daniel Stendel is arrogance" And you're getting a bit personal. The text is the thing. No abuse please.
Everyone makes career mistakes in life. You learn from them. If he did come back in some capacity, then I think he’d be more committed than most, as he’s seen the grass ain’t greener elsewhere. He’ll have also added to his experience and knowledge whilst at Hudds too. If Stendel wants him back, then that’s fine with me - but alongside Tonge, not as a replacement.
Alan Partridge might post "back of the net". However, carrying on, you will find that I have oodles of opinions. Have been expressing them for years. And will persist. Nice weather this weekend!
Well stick to them rather than trying to create drama with your posts every 2 mins and I might have a bit more respect for you.
I shall take your wisdom on board and try to amend my behaviour. I only post every now and then though. And never mean malice.
If someone in my team at work leaves for what they think is a better opportunity i’ll wish them well. If that opportunity didn’t work out and a year later they want to come back, i’ll asses if they did a good job when they were here and if them coming back will improve the team. ‘Made his bed’ ‘left Daniel in the ****’ etc. is all just made up narrative people are adding as fans. Winkler’s not a Barnsley fan, just a bloke from Germany who has a career as football coach. Unless you work inside the club, I don’t think you can really know what positive or negative affect him leaving and Tonge stepping up had. Not sure if he wants to come back and not sure if the club want him back, but If he does and they do, then I don’t see why there should be any complaints from us.
Wonder if Winkler might roll up as next Donny manager? German managers are very popular, and league one with a decent squad would be ideal starting point for him.
Exactly well said...some people on here are thick ,inbred and embarrassing to be associated with Barnsley