Not my story. Just what Wednesday fans tell me. Couldn't care less one way or another about Forestieri or Winnall. They're as bad as each other.
He was part of a team that had a very good team spirit last time we were promoted. He didn't seem to have a negative affect on that. I was back in Barnsley outside Annie Murrays when the team coach got back from the Wigan game, after we'd secured our play-off place. The players rolled off the coach and were dancing in the street as we sang songs. Amazing moment (even though I broke my phone!). Never seen team spirit like it and won't again for as long as I live. Winnall was part of that, he scored two goals that day. I've worked with people that I'm not all that bothered about as people. But if they're good at what they do I respect them for that, I just don't go for a beer with them after work. It's never affected my desire to do well in the job and if I think they can do something better than me, I'll be talking to them about it, and my personal opinion of them has no bearing.
We'd hardly be "robbing him back" They want him gone so they can bring in new players. Their fans would be laughing at us.
If bruce his paying wages and we get a free its daylight robbery. Hes dying to give Jordan Rhodes away anall two for one. Personally id pay2 mill for Lyle taylor but he's 29 so wont happen.
With regards Forestieri, a mate of mine works for a local paper. His favourite story is when Chansiri bought Fletcher a new car, so Forestieri got the monk on and cycled to training until he got a new motor too. And in Wendy circles, Forestieri and Winnall openly don't get on. According to him they haven't been on speaking terms for the last 6 month's or so. Sounds like they're both as bad as each other.
Look at all the **** strikers Wednesday are trying to offload plus winnall. Speaks volumes to me. Pass.
Same as I've heard around here, they hate each other. Forestieri has disappeared several times "injured" with a monk on.
Why on earth would Bruce pay his wages, when the one thing he needs to do is not pay his wages? They need to get shut. They can't sign players until they've got rid of players. The last thing they will do is pay for someone to be elsewhere. This rumour is ******. He doesn't fit the plan. He is not coming to Barnsley.
So you think They are going to loan a player they could sell, to the team they bought him from, and pay a % of his wages, when the one thing they really need to do is offload players on permanents? I'm saying they'd prefer to sell him, and get him off the payroll.
I've seen an article about fletcher driving a Lamborghini avenrtador at 300000 quid so good luck to him.
The sale is difficult if no club is willing to match his current earnings. He's got a season left on his contract, Wednesday can only offload if he's happy with terms. He also has the option of running down his contract and a decent signing on fee with no transfer in a years' time. In these circumstances you can understand why paying a percentage of his salary on loan looks relatively attractive.
Whos gonna take a punt on a crock. He scores10 goals for us at xmas hes worth more money to deedars to sell on.