a good PR department. I don't think anybody expects to be kept fully in the picture re comings and goings, but once again after an unpopular move by the clubs tactic seems to be 'duck' and wait for the complaints to pass. We really need a regular, popular recognisable figurehead to chuck some positivity into the pot
Complaints? Club have done nothing wrong here.. What PR do you think is required around players who have no wish to play for us next season? Lock em in the Simon Davey locker with Kim Christensen?
I'm trying not to post! But this is so true. The club have done nothing wrong. They openly stated that players will be sold off if they don't sign extensions. He didn't want to sign. PR dept have Told us he's been sold. The only thing that might have placated the negativities would have been to announce the next signing.
Never said the club had done anything wrong, but you would have to be blind or deaf not to have seen or heard all the negativity flying about. I’m not talking about having a ******** merchant either, just someone to keep things on an even keel.
Pinnock is not being a decent pro if he indicates he has no wish to play for us next season. I doubt that he would indicate as such. He is more likely to say that he wished to leave. Which is different. And if we refused to sell he may well have run his contract down quite professionally. Didn't Marley chuck his toys out one time? Then have to go and humbly pick em up and stick em back in the pram?
I know you haven't mate. And I'm neither blind nor deaf. I get what your saying, but we do have people who give us these messages. I don't think an extra PR person would be able to tell us anymore more than Mr Conway. Also the club will always be tight lipped on contract details, it's how they do business.
Instead of coming out with some ***** PR to appease the fans the best way, in my opinion, is to spend some of the cash and sign decent players. Which we will do.
That’s what I meant, some folk just go off on one and it spreads, a bit of positivity into the mix, even if it’s just to reiterate the clubs position re players not taking up options Why do folk always assume PR means ********
What’s not informative and, more consistent, than Mr Conway’s statement about the sale of Pinnock? Less than a year on your contract and you either extend or be sold - like it or not it’s the model.
But is it good business sense openly bandying that policy around and having all the seagulls following the trawler?
Huge huge huge ...... LOL !!!!!!!! The last thing we need is another Whispering Bob Ganaye - turning up back at the club. We need another Mansford or someone that can actually communicate and sell the club. Someone with enthusiasm that can Shout Out Loud !!!
I can easily answer that. Goalkeepers don’t need knees if they are built like a giant squid. Does that answer yer question??? Next !!!
We dont need PR. People liked and rated Pinnock.and are upset hes gone. We dont need guff about how what's happened is great The proof will be in the pudding.