has everyone had a chance to calm down now? I am obviously as frustrated as everyone else with losing our centre halves but can’t say I didn’t see it coming and can’t really blame the club. I’ve read that we shouldn’t sell or we didn’t sell enough and comparing it to other transfers. Both lads had 12 months to run and club have said they will sell which is correct in my opinion as why would we want to have players in the team who don’t want to be here probably having a negative affect on both performance and morale within the squad. Then if they have a fantastic season we lose them at the end of the season for free anyway and we’re back to square one with no transfer fee. Obviously we can ask for a certain fee from buying clubs but with the lads wanting to go and there contracts running low, I’m afraid we really don’t hold any power there. In my view if someone doesn’t want to be here then let them go, replace with someone who wants to be here. The new owners have seen past mistakes and are sorting the contract situations out. Let’s trust them. People criticised Woodrow replacing Bradshaw and look how that turned out. The club have got it spot on in my opinion.
Calmed down after a few minutes me, then i realised it's exactly what the owners said they'd do. 1. Sign young players with potential. 2. Develop 3. Sell on if good bid comes in OR gets to last 12 month of contract and doesn't re-sign 4. Reinvest money made from transfers into young players with potential. Rinse and repeat, They've never lied to us and they've been transparent in their plans.
I still would have liked to have had Ethan to get us started but I think I may have a new fave In Mads ( regardless of football ability) just because of his initial interview!
The only thing I'd add is that there's no reason to suggest Pinnock etc wouldn't have put the effort in in their final season if we'd denied them a transfer. I'd hope and expect they would have. They had every right and justification to not renew. I think, along with the stated intention to make some money out of them if they don't renew we have to remember that the key part of getting quality youngsters from lower leagues is that they know we're not going to hamper them when they wish to move on. We can't offer them great wages but we can offer growing evidence of our ability to develop young talent, play them and give them the opportunity to move on to big money. That's the bargaining chip we have.
The question here though.. is this approach going to allow for enhanced financial success, an enhanced position in footballing status, or both? The last time we lost our best players, we had the same arguments. We lost them on the cheap, they didn't want to be here, we can't begrudge them life changing money, etc... and all still perfectly valid. But. If our stall is to simply have a financial conveyor belt of very modest profits on players every single season, does that give you a boost in footballing terms, or do you stand still, or, do you slip back because of the learning curve and cycle of development needed? That's what happened in 2017/18 where players at that time just weren't good enough (plus the coaching didn't bring them on fast enough). I think we need some stability too. And seeing as our owners have declared multiple times that players will be sold if they don't renew 12 months from their contract ending (technically, that almost forces all contract arrangements forward by 12 months and limits transfer fee), we'll be losing Cavare, Pinillos and Thiam very shortly. You also start to look at McGeehan, Mowatt, Moore and Dougall with 2 years left. And before you know it, all you see are financial transactions with a limited expectation of players being here much time at all. And I just find that really really depressing. Especially off the back of a season where we retained a large number of players and had tremendous success. I'm not hopeful of this season now. I do think we need to bring in a player who can hit the ground running and be captain material. Not cheap, but seeing as we've just offered Pinnock the chance to be our most well paid player, with the surplus of funds, I see no genuine reason why we can't break our transfer record and pay the wages for someone who will show we will compete and its not just about selling 5-6 players every transfer window.
It is a bit depressing. Supporting Barnsley often is. We've never, ever had the whip hand in contract negotiations. If there were available a quality Championship player with the age and experience to help us through the coming season I's be happy for us to get him. Someone who's not looking for the next move but is happy to come and do a job here for the next three years. I don't care if he's 30 plus. The major problem is that a quality player like that is like hens' teeth on our wage structure.
We've had them before. I think part of the issue with the latter Cryne era was he went through utopias and extremes. We had the expensive loan phase. We had the upcoming foreign player phase, then we ended with the young hungry must be 21 phase. It's possible, even preferential to blend. Not all "ageing" players are mercenaries. We've had some fantastic players in their 30s who created fantastic memories, served wonderfully well and became fan favourites.
There will be some 30 somethings who don't need a last pay day as they've been on fortunes, but, still want to compete and develop. yes wage disparity is massive now (which makes it even more sinful to accept derisory offers) but if we're seen as a place that wants to play fast energetic football with high intensity and flair... surely there will be players of all ages who think, I wouldn't mind being part of that.
Unfortunately money is god. Players are either chasing it or have already made it by their 30's. There seem to be precious few who want a challenge or an experience rather than a pay packet
I calmed down ever so slightly, then I had to search this thread: https://www.griffinpark.org/forums/showthread.php?t=132162 Feel like crap again now...
I never had huge issue with him being sold, it’s the derisory fee that galls. I hear now it wasn’t even £3million. I get the plan, I understand and back it. He had to be sold. But for barely £500k more than Lindsay? We’ve been sold short by at the very least £2million. We will always sell players. We have to. But I can’t see why we can’t get proper fees in the way Luton, Portsmouth and in particular Peterborough always seem to do.
I'm guessing the club will have been aware he wanted away for a while- that poses a dilemma really: Do we hold out til the end of the window for a better offer but risk not having the funds until then and more importantly time to replace him? Do we sell him to the highest bidder by X date to give us chance to replace? Or, do we run his contract down and lose any funds? The club cannot win IMO. It was always going to polarise fans however they handled it. The club appear to have gone for option 2 contrary to some others' beliefs.