It appears that some think throwing massive wages and long contracts lead to success or stability. Bolton and Sunderland, Wednesday (transfer embargo) and others are in the *****. Due to unsustainable wages when starved of success. ( Not reached the promised Land ) and in fact can't offload said overpaid players as others are not prepared to take em on. I understand the need to speculate but not at the expense of being a Bolton.
Last accounts published, if I recall only a couple of teams didn’t spend 100% of turn over on wages..
As stated, do you not think Sunderland did that and look at em now. Diamonds whether we like it or not will go to the highest bidder.
Despite being involved in a relegation we still rated Davies, Pinnock and Lindsay enough to have all three as regular starters last season. So if we rated them all so highly why didn't we try and sign them up after the relegation instead of waiting until they caught the eye of bigger teams.
They were all on wages based on championship. We lost so much revenue due to relegation. Apart from Davies. Who based on a lot of opinion ( not mine by the way) Should have been got shut on. The other two were on wages that were over league 1 average wages. Two years on deals left and no guarantees of promotion. I believe and stand corrected. Once we looked like achieving promotion contracts were offered to all. Davies had already made his mind up. Lindsay if true wouldn't enter into negotiations. Pinnock someone said wait while January window. Kin hell imagine.
Diamonds when they bought em. Put on ridiculously high wages and not only relegated from championship but premiership (premiership wages in league1) sorry if I can't make myself understood. But I know what I mean in my head.
interesting to quote someone from here that. Conway wouldn't put up with leaks . And did a member get deleted because of pressure from him. Then a leak suddenly appeared online that pinnock had been offered 10G and a couple of days later he has been sold wonder where that came from guess leaks when they think it suits there purpose are fine
Wonder how much the directors are paying themselves does the wage limit apply to them ? would be interesting to know how much Mr Conway is being paid per week wages + expenses probably more than most of the team put together
No idea Dep. But would have thought a little wide of the mark. CEO is usually a well paid position. But take wendies for example. 2017/18 Wages topped £29M . 126% of turnover. Without Chansiri willing to fund the losses they would be in the proper *****. A la Bolton. He stated at the general meeting the monies were necessary to SUSTAIN Championship football to be able to compete with the clubs on parachute payments from the prem. (Football's Fukced as some would say) They have been placed under a transfer embargo (light whatever that means, mainly due to not submitting accounts to companies house 2 yrs running) Most clubs have a wage structure to follow. If not, lge 1 and 2 clubs would fold. Some more prudent clubs like west brom. ( Unsure if still the case) Had wage limits in the premiership. Maybe the reason they became boing boing baggies unwilling to pay extortionate wages and run up massive debts. PS. As an aside the company I work for. The CEO is. ( Taking wages bonus and pension into account) based on the average wage of an employee paid probably the equivalent of 60 of those employees.