Reckon another 4 should do: CB, LB, winger and striker. Wouldn't mind another CM but maybe I'm being greedy.
Simon Davey brought in a shed load before the start of the 2007/8 season and Hecky signed most of our promotion squad during the summer of 17.
Just got in from a run out and saw that we had signed Halme. I thought exactly the same BMH, about the Machin era. Seriously concerned when in the first game I saw at Oakwell, the new boys didn't seem to know each other's names, let alone how each other played. After my early doubts, it seemed to eventually come together and they struck up an understanding. I think this lads signing is a good one. He's played four times in the Leeds first team, so to a degree, he knows what to expect. Hope him, Andersen, Sibbick and any others we bring in can gel with the existing squad and give a good account of themselves early doors.
Wot abart that Tom Eaves fella. Free transfer, good laiker, not a gamble for me. 26, but you would always get your money back on him. I reckon he would be a cracking signing comi g off bench or starting. IMHO
Left back Centre half Box to box midfielder Left winger Striker or two depending what’s happening with victor and miller
Think we need to loan either Vic or miller our or maybe both and bring in another striker, but what do I know stendel will know what he wants