Its hazy now, but I thought we weren't actually in debt to the bank when we went into admin, *but* they removed our overdraft facility which we needed to continue running until the end of the season. With the ITV Digital money, we'd have been solvent, but without it, expenditure was greater than income and they weren't going to wait around until the summer for any transfer cash. A case of if you owe the bank £250,000 its your problem, but if you owe the bank £50,000,000 its their problem.
When pete Doyle took over im sure he was quoted as saying bruce dyer was on 10 k a week and a grand a goal bonus.
Agree thought we’d got a world beater in O’Connor after that game unfortunately we didn’t realise he’d already failed a drug test at Birmingham which they weren’t obliged to reveal and a few months later he’s being done for cocaine possession , living in a council house now apparently
Ended his career with Lowland League Club Selkirk. Managed them for a brief period as well. Definitely a rare talent wasted through the habitual use of illegal substances. Such a shame really.
Overdraft is debt though. Probably unsecured back then too. You’re right - they pulled he OD facility which finished us off, despite that by the summer we’d have been ok.
I could be wrong, its a long time ago, but I thought we weren't using the OD at the time, but would need it to last the season out.
Ashley Ward was apparently offered 10k per week to stay with us, which was above any other wages at the time.. Could have got me for 9k...
Doyle secured a loan on the car park to buy the club. Why didn't Dennis do the same to save the club? Barnsley owned a lot of land back then and selling a small amount could have prevented us going into admin.
If you’ve an agreed overdraft, which was probably secured, and they still weren’t happy, then any other loan amounts to the same thing. Unless you go down the Wonga type route - which we did eventually (Sterling Capital). Nothing wrong with Sterling, they are legit, but they do charge for it!