been watching this excellent two parter on Youtube. But the bloody thing cuts off before the end of part two with men still missing underground. Anybody seen it ? Know how it ends ?
Probably the pit closed. The shaft capped off. The site cleared to make way for a large warehouse or Tesco Extra store. The men sadly were not found presumed dead. Six years later both men and wives were found and arrested in South America. They were returned and found guilty for an insurance scam. All are serving sentences at her Majesty's preasure.
Pit definitely closed, shaft filled wi sandstone from Yorkshire Brick at stairfoot,men all put out of work while we import coal from Germany and Russia. But its Ok we’re singlehandedly solving global warming.
No I was playing football in the street. Early in part 2 and Bobby Knutt comes strolling along. Only had a one liner
Really enjoyed it, took me back, dustbin painted wi wickets, flares, ncb vans. Gunna av to see if I can buy it somewhere to see if Bobby survived.
First part is very amusing ......second obviously is a bit darker......cracking program tho'.........sithi.
First part was based on Prince Charles visiting Prince of Wales colliery in Pontefract mid seventies . Second episode based on Houghton Main explosion 1975 . 5 men killed between shifts otherwise it would have been a lot more . Even the Canteen lady who served the rescue men with tea and food until they found her husband dead was based on the true event . Absolutely true to life as ever with Barry Hines stories and Ken Loach productions .
I watched it after seeing that Barry Hines has been commemorated with a blue plaque on the house where he grew up, Just got to the bit where they were digging at the collapse and the vid on youtube ends, need to watch it all now to see if there's a happy ending.