Under new plans all cigarette boxes must contain a leaflet with stop smoking advice, tobacco companies are to pay for stop smoking services and all smokers are to be moved to e cigs or to stop altogether by 2030. Can’t say I disagree with any of that. I’d make it illegal to smoke or vape outside of dedicated smoking areas too, though.
Yep, sounds good to me. Rancid habit, can't believe in this day and age people are stupid enough to start...
Absolutely ridiculous. Soon they will come for drinking and food. The government will put everyone on their own diet. RIP Freedom.
I'd have thought they would be due to go the other way soon and start legalizing Cannabis like they are in large parts of America.
On a personal level, I hate the smell of smoke and want it banned. However, I'm also a liberal who supports the legalization of drugs, so I have no problem with cigarette smoking provided I don't have to breathe the stuff in. Maybe they should have to wear an helmet when smoking or it be confined to smokatoriums.
I dont agree whilst I think it is a vile habit and a particularly stupid thing to do I cant agree with a total ban By all means ban it in public but its wrong to takeaway the choice completely
I've smoked for 37 years. Oh the days when one could happily light up on the plane whilst sat next to a non-smoker who didn't bat an eye-lid Bonkers really but that's just the way it was. I'll be dead by 2030 so it means little to me but i'm glad it's being made harder for people to smoke. Thinking about buying a vape: see how that blows.....
Saw two 11 year old Horizon schoolgirls lighting up on their way home yesterday. I know it happened when I was at school but it seems even more silly now when ecigs are so much better for you and cheaper to maintain. If you're dumb enough to feel like smoking makes you look older and sophisticated, at least be smart enough to do the less harmful one
We (nhs) have introduced an e-cig vending machine for our clients who have no 'leave' off the ward so they can have a toot in their bedroom or in the secure garden.
Live near a school, see so many of them walking by smoking. Is banning it the answer? I don't know, they will probably find something else. Can't say I'm against it though.
The ingredients are almost 100% vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol, both food additives. Definitely beats carbon monoxide, cyanide and the hundreds of carcinogens in tobacco. No way it's completely safe, you're not really meant to put anything in your lungs, but I know which one I'd rather have in me
Only 11 years away, how can you be so sure? I know you’re still working at NHS, so you can’t be that old.even if you’re in your 60s or even 70s, you’ll only be 70s/80s in 2030