So what do you say to the Jewish Labour members, MP's and peers who all seem to think there is a problem?
Unfortunately, the deluded ****s that do get a vote will probably love him even more after that 30 minute car-crash. He’s a shoe-in. The only crumb of comfort I can take is that there is not enough popcorn in the world to accompany his short-lived horror-show tenure as PM.
I believe there are some antisemitic chants associated with one of the London clubs. Tottenham I believe but I stand corrected if I've got that wrong. We don't do antisemitism in this country. It just isn't a thing. We wouldn't know where to start. There are plenty who are anti the policies of Isreal. I include myself amongst them. I can't even begin to think of a reason why I would be prejudiced against someone with a Jewish faith. Other than maybe because they have a faith at all, which I haven't, but I really don't care if someone has. I'm not antisemitic, I don't know anyone who is, if you are you're a dick, just stop it.
I genuinely can't see how anyone can think Johnson came out of that interview with any credibility left. He was left completely exposed by Andrew Neil who didn't have to get out of second gear. It was embarrassing and underlines just what a dire state politics is in at the minute. Having said that you're probably right that he will probably still win which is quite incredible.
It’s not such much antisemitism as pro Palestine and anti Israel that’s the issue. They (Labour) are unelectable though but which of the parties is. This why people like Trump get in. Anti establishment has an opportunity and the Farages of this world know it.
It really is about anti-semitism though. If you mean you are Pro Palestine by agreeing their is a big wrong that needs putting right about their current treatment by Israel then I for one am Pro Palestine. That doesn’t make me Pro Hezbollah (sp) or Pro terrorist, I simply don’t agree with the plight of the Palestinian people. I certainly don’t believe the Jews are to be held responsible or be blamed for any actions/decisions of the Israeli Govt. It is a mess, The Panaroma programme has to be the mother of all wake up calls to the Labour Party. I like a lot of Corbyn’s policies and love the slogan ‘ For the many not the few’ but I’m disappointed that he has not stamped this out by now. Whatever else happens going forward with the Labour Party it must not take this with it. I do not believe Corbyn is anti- Semitic but as leader of his Party he is responsible for not ending it in his party. If he doesn’t then he needs to go simples. As an aside, I look forward to the Islamophobia accusations of the Tory Party receiving the same attentive coverage, but we all know that won’t happen.
I'd say give me an example. If there is evidence then I'll look into it and form my own stance. Hasnt there been an ongoing trial on this?
No matter how the opposition try to rip them to shreds these mad ***** will all ways have the media on their side and it looks like people like you will all ways believe the media that's scarier than anything imaginable we now are going to have an idiot in charge of the country just when Farage keeps saying we have our country back, you just not could make this up.