Villa are rumoured to want a player exchange for him.... lansbury, bree and hourihane??? and i know he's just signed a new contract......
Hourihane wants Premiership I cant see him agreeing .plus, if he s just signed a new contract it must mean hes in Villas plans for next season.
Probably just got him to sign a contract to make home more valuable for when they sell him. Really don't get why folk think he's going to figure much in Villas plans for the prem, if he stays he'll just be a fringe player at best.
He’s repeatedly had players bought who initially went into the team ahead of him & he’s fought his way back into the side. He’s got a great mentality. Don’t think he’ll play every week but he’ll still play plenty of times. Many talk as if the Prem’s a massive step up but aside from the top 6 & probably Leicester & Everton there’s not much quality. We’ve seen Burnley, Bournemouth, Wolves etc all finish top half with largely the same team that took them up to the prem. Hourihane’s Irish team mates Hendrick & Arter started nearly every week for them Burnley & Bournemouth sides & they’re on a similar ability level to Hourihane
Villa have already spent over 100million on players so far cant see Conor playing every week. And bree has very little chance of playing at all he needs some competitive game time asap.