so , as I said earlier, how come no photo's of the clangers then... AHHHHHH answer then Mr Fun Boy Three gadgey... GOTCHA. Ooops just realised I have not taken my medication tonight nurse NURRRRSE
T'old Barry Bluebird's on one tonight. Could be linked to tonight's lunar eclipse. With regard to the moon landings, once saw one of these conspiracies programmes that gave real food for thought how it is possible it was all staged by USA just to beat Russia in The Space Race.
just bored matey ... the big kick off cannot come soon enough. TV is completely ***** no matter where you look.... BORRRRRRRRRRRRED.
A lot of this stuff is in the Smithsonian air museum Washington DC . I could have spent all day in there. Free in as well.
Bloody hell if you get so uptight by someone showing a previous post of yours maybe you shouldn't be on a forum. And if it was a joke between you and Lil then (whilst i didnt get the impression in any case that it was anything massively serious) i do apologise.
This. As well as being tracked by the Russians Apollo 11 was also tracked all the way to the moon from here in the UK at Jodrell Bank. Buzz Aldrin gave the best answer to someone who questioned whether it happened or not.
Absolutely a scam job. Same as all these other tw@ts saying that the earth is spherical. I mean, come the **** on!!