It may trigger an election and the Tories won't win outright, As labour also won't win outright the outcome will be a coalition and after their last experience the Lib-Dems won't get in bed with the Tories again so we may see Labour / Lib-Dem Government... Interestingly the Libs want another vote on Brexit so this will be their price for supporting either of the others, only my view.....
Personally I just can’t see Boris going for an election as he knows he won’t win an outright victory. Never considered the impact of LibDems in a coalition and actually could be seen as a nice get out of jail for the major parties if they went down this route and were forced into another referendum.
Jo Swinson is more tory than some tory MP's. Check her voting record. Not to mention: She'll get into bed with the Tories. Anything to stop Corbyn getting into power.
Listening to her yesterday and this morning on Radio 4 there is no way she will ever facilitate Corbyn being Prime Minister. Now Sir Keir...………………..
It's very doubtful his 'no deal' would get past Parliament. But I don't think he will even try that one. '31 October or bust' was a soundbite for the elderly Tory brexiteers and was solely to get him elected. I think he knows there would be carnage if he tried to suspend Parliament. On the other hand, I don't think he could go for a second referendum and survive given the ERG nutters in the corner. A general election would buy him time, but would be deeply disruptive and highly risky. I suspect it would result in a hung Parliament again, and all the problems would begin afresh. By process of elimination I think that a rehash of May's deal with as many emollient words as he can garner from the EU will be his only way forward. There will of course be no meaningful change in reality. His pitch then would have to be: "Parliament will not let me do no deal; therefore if the house will not now approve the deal before it [with whatever hokey slight amendments] I will be forced to withdraw the Article 50 Notice in order for us to regroup and start afresh". That will probably persuade enough MP's that it's take the (imperfect) deal or face another five years of this mess. Any other course and I think he runs aground.
What the country needs now is a loose cannon. A PM that cannot be predicted. Cometh the hour cometh the man. Step forth Boris Johnson. The British hating EU bureaucrats will be in melt down.
British Hating???? Last thing we need is warmongers dragging us back to the Middle Ages . The worst of society coming to the fore. We need a leader to put them back in the box and lockk the vault .
Yes - British hating. If I was Boris there would be no negotiations with anyone who’s first language is foooking French. The Barnier guy is appalling.
Yes your the type that loves fighting wars with other people’s sons paying the price . Hopefully it is Boris imo his No clue regime will trigger a general election the sooner the better and we can get rid of this Working class hating Government and all it’s wannabees And here's former liberal leader Nick clegg with his new job at Facebook after selling all those students down the river . The liberals are just another bunch of " business friendly" sell outs . There's very little to distinguish between the main parties at Westminster these days .
Crying about lib dems now!! At least most on here seem to be in agreement that labour are a million miles away from getting back in which is the real plus of the day.....
Some sensible words here. However, this is Boris Johnson. I think most likely is he becomes a clarion caller and abdicates responsibility to his cabinet (he tried resigning from London met, TfL and London assembly responsibilities while Mayor and was largely absent for 8 years apart from his vanity tokenism and subsequent press calls). I've picked up a few notes about collective responsibility in cabinet being truly restored. That suggests a highly far right extreme Brexit based number and the fall out that would create. I think the likely outcome in the short term is tory civil war. May leaving was just a gentle skirmish. Now it begins.