So his 2 main objectives are to Unite the country and Deliver Brexit - He is certain to fail at at least one of them - fingers crossed its both and he is gone by Xmas
Would uniting the country in contempt and hatred towards him count as a success on his first objective?
I think that Twitter will be awash of grown men and women loosing all control of their rationality and regardless of your opinions on Boris will make for hilarity.
He is someone who has been sacked twice from his job for deliberately lying and is a serial cheat. Only ever interested in self publicity and buffoonery with the certainty and arrogance that his Bullingdon Club toffness gives him. I give him an even chance of being on next year’s I’m a Celebrity.
Interestingly, I read yesterday that his dad (Stanley) was sacked from the World Bank for lying. In the recent court case, the Telegraph's defence was that he was a known liar and his columns were comedic. He was sacked from the Times and as Shadow Arts Secretary for lying.
Also don't forget the recording of him agreeing to get a journo's details so one of his old Eton mates could arrange to have him beaten up
Why inflict that on Kingston??? It's a delightful place!!! Please tell me that's a fake photoshopped post
Johnson has been interviewed on all media many times, loads of hustings, head to head with Hunt etc. He then won the leadership election by just short of 2:1. My question to all the people who voted for him and all those who think he’s the ‘answer’ is this,,, WEREN’T YOU LISTENING????
Not massively interested in politics but my dad was a miner and a steelworker and was always labour. My sister and I never talked politics cause if you didn't vote labour you were wrong. Funny how all the labourites think conservatives are ***** and the other way round, Corbyn is an even bigger buffoon and a traitor to this country ( me being ex forces) it makes me smile when someone else has an opinion and gets slated for it, they are all corrupt and in it for their own good in my younger days I voted for thatcher cause she gave the forces a good pay rise where as after being away from home for months not seeing my family and kids I would get my leave stopped due to strikes in the 79s and 80s. Does that make me an idiot I may add I have voted labour in the past if I feel it's right. I'll get mi tin hat.
Nope it was genuine - its been corrected now but if you can bring yourself to look at her twitter feed too many people piled in to highlight the mistake for it not to be genuine
I know most folk in Barnsley enjoy wallowing in a huge deep vat of black depressive molasses - so they will clearly not welcome or understand Boris. But this guy - if he gets his team right - and I think he will - is going to be a breathe of positive fresh air that this country desperately needs.