Oh and for those who doubt his competence - its worth looking at the great man again when he was foreign secretary I mean what could possibly go wrong now he is PM
I am not a religious person (far from it), but if I was, I might just consider the large-scale electrical storms last night over England as some sort of sign from above. Typically, storms and lightning flashes were not seen as good omens.
I'm no Tory *spit* but can you imagine what Thatcher would have made of him? If Thatcherism was the high water mark for Conservatism, Boris must be the crud scraped from the bottom of its barrel. And that's saying something.
It’s started already , the rewrite of Boris’s history. He appoints the CEO of Sky to run as Director of Operations ( seconded from Sky) and this morning Sky News run an hours piece on Boris born to be leader , glossing over all his indiscretions , and interviews with his mates from Toff land
Yes its a bit concerning isnt it - Sky have been fairly critical of him and the no deal Brexit policy - guess Boris's new strategy will be now sold as great for us all. Channel 4 news and Private Eye to get unbiased reporting then now
I think you have a point - there isnt much good you can say about her but she did at least see the benefits of close cooperation with Europe and would never have supported leaving unless with a guaranteed frictionless trade deal. at the time she was ousted I thought it would be hard for the Tories to find a worse PM to follow - how wrong I was
It was always going to happen after he was lent the use of the Sky guy’s multi-million pound flat during the campaign. I didn’t think he’d be so obvious as to appoint him within a matter of hours though but I suppose he knew he could easily get away with it and he wanted those favourable stories out there quickly. In other crap appointments: Priti Patel is about to be appointed Home Secretary. The same person who had meetings with Israel behind May’s back, argued for the death penalty and advocates threatening Ireland with food shortages over Brexit.
Im waiting to see if this is true - or it is one of those "leaks" so that when he doesnt do that people breathe a sigh of relief and dont notice too much the rest of the sh*tstorm If however it really is happening for those who were terrified of Dianne Abbot as Home Secretary - see it really could be worse of course her character fits right in with Boris
Dominic Cummings given advisor role. The man who "masterminded" the £350m nhs pledge, the 80m Turkish invasion and many other spurious claims to engineer a win at all costs leave result.
I think so too. One of the most hateful spiteful deluded politicians out there. And that's saying something given the current crop. Today is just beyond grim.
First thing on agenda is to reiterate that the EU and it’s Executives are the enemy . This has already been pushed by the nasty loony right but with Johnson’s appointments it’ll be almost all out war . Get ready for Barnier to be likened to the anti Christ . These will push us into a war no doubt about that and with the loon in the whitehouse it’s a perfect storm. The press will be purged even more than it is now and a no deal Brexit will push us over the edge of a downturn into another recession and Johnson will be blaming the other 27 member states to get out of jail. The Tories have only Brexit as a viable campaign and they’ll make it a single issue whilst hiding all their nasty bigotry policies until they are elected . I hate Brexit in all its forms but I will not make it a single issue whilst our industries are being bled by greedy bosses who then hand them back to the victims for re energising to once again handed back to them . The Tories have had their say and spit in our face with this appointment the media spin will be in meltdown trying to discredit oppositions to pave way for a general election to put their masters back in power .