He know's he won't get a new deal & he know's he won't be allowed to leave with no deal ... that's not his plan imo His plan is more about winning Farage fans back to the party. He will get to the point where we were about to leave ... blame to Europeans for it not happening ... talk about how we need to be free of them once and for all ...say he needs a bigger majority to force it through ,,, and then call a general election. Shame is I think it will actually work and we will have 5 years of Boris with a majority big enough to push Brexit through and whatever else him and his Bullingdon mates want
Boris - a real breath of fresh air full of optimism and positive thinking. Fantastic to finally see a Prime Minister actually saying good things about our great country. Let’s hope that positive thinking starts to seep through and influence all the colourless dullard characters in our society.
That's what I thought but as they say, if you can talk the talk can you walk the walk. We've had too many years of dullness so if he can at least enthuse the public then let him have a go. We can do no worse, unless you involve Corbyn's crew.
Well when the country becomes poorer, people lose their jobs, we can't trade effectively and the union breaks up it doesn't really matter, we can just have Boris cracking a few jokes, reciting a few lines of Byron and everything will be ok again. Brilliant! The man is a racist buffoon.
saw an interview with some director of a Policy Institute saying he thought Boris was embarked on one big bluff , he will come out of the Political Institutions of the EU on 31st October but continue paying into the trade agreements, extend the negotiation time for a trade deal to 5 years getting rid of a back stop , and go for an election in November claiming he's delivered Brexit . The guy thought the EU will go for this being happier with a no deal in 5 yrs ( and getting 60billion ) rather than this year if things can't be negotiated. Boris team have already started sending test adverts out on Social Media to get data for a targeted election campaign . He's filled his cabinet with Brexit hard liners so they now have everything to lose politically if Boris goes flat on his face . Boris is for Boris, nothing else .
In fairness, when the right wing media are producing **** like this that even Kim Jong-un would consider a bit on the nose and shameless, is there any wonder those that consume such media are praising glorious leader?
A slimy video oozing black oily negativity. Who would want to have a mindset that could make a video like this - or even regurgitate a video as horrible as this !?!?!
Err it’s an act , political satire , an actor . It says a lot about you Nudge when you can’t recognise made up satire by an actor , that’s why you are a Boris fan you don’t know the fantasy from the reality
Does it mean nothing to you that he is a known serial liar? Is it more important to you that those lies are told with a cheeky grin and a bit of cod latin?