I was prevented from using the interchange by 2 security type officials, the doors were barricaded and even people with tickets were turned away-this after allowing everyone to go up the escalator before being turned away rather than at the bottom-doh! After the game I went up Oakwell Lane and down to the Alhambra where 4 security guards were preventing fans walking in, pointing out the barriers and the large signs saying "football fans this way" and an arrow pointing away from the doors.
Simply explain your experience of the "shambles"...would help some of us next week... 30 odd thousand posts, vast majority vague tosh,
As flattered as I am that you take the time to read all of my posts I think that the situation is already explained very well in this thread. However since you asked so politely I will summarise and say that the closure of the level crossing and the closure of the bridge in the interchange is not the best plan and will be considerably worse next week and potentially even worse in the coming weeks when we play sides with larger away followings.
Given the time line of this thread I assumed your "what a shambles" post was an eye witness account...Should have known better. Meh.
Have you missed your medication again? I was commenting on the experience I had getting to the game from town.
Ah I see, you dont know what the word means. Shambles - a state of confusion, bad organisation or untidiness.
Level crossing closed (knew about that although I did forget), walked through interchange and followed people up to the bridge only to be turned around because that was also closed. Had to walk down towards Asda and into the interchange from the crossing on Eldon Street (I think), then walk through the interchange to get back to the other side of the level crossing. It's not that it hasn't been announced, it wasn't so much the inconvenience or the extra distance; the biggest problem was the amount of people walking in different directions on the path which, as I referred to, will be significantly worse once the season starts. I don't know why the interchange bridge has been closed but its going to cause problems in my opinion. Having the crossing and the bridge closed at the same time is a bad decision in my opinion.
Thank you...that's all I asked for. So any idea, anyone, how this will affect me next week travelling to and from Sheffield by train?
From Sheffield you come out of the Interchange and turn right to walk down Eldon Street North. Passing under the railway bridge you turn right into Schwabisch Gmund Way and walk along its length, arriving on Pontefract Road at the Oakwell side of the railway. Assuming they won't let you cross the railway and simply leave by the opposite platform. Shouldn't be a problem returning as rail users are allowed to enter the station from Schwabisch Gmund Way. Unless of course theyve changed their minds again by then.
IT won't affect you at all. I did exactly this today. Getting to the match, you go up the stairs and across the bridge as usual. Coming home, you just go into rail station as normal. Also, just to clarify, the RAILWAY bridge was open as normal for rail passengers. It was the BUS STATION bridge that was closed.
After the match the footpath under the Eldon Street bridge on diversion route was simply not wide enough for the volume of people, causing them to jump over barriers and into road. Its a complete nightmare and just wait until we have crowds much bigger than today. I know the weather was awful but the town centre was dead after the match. This is going to have a significant commercial impact both before and after the match.