On Football Heaven tonight. It can be be a bit of a trial to listen to given that they always allow the blunts to dominate it in general and wind bag Wilder in particular. Now that they are in the prem it will be worse than ever. However as it is only once a once a year event I’ll give it a go. One consolation is that Steve Bruce won’t be on because he could talk a glass eye to sleep
The presenters bits are ok , give a certain question then ask all managers to answer it in turn . It’s when they open it to the floor knowing that it’s full of Dee Dar fans with just a few other clubs fans represented . They should let the fans ask one question each to their manager then rest should be open to all managers for balance imo.
Well it should be brief from the Fowls side of things anyway seeing as they don’t even have a manager yet! Not that I’ll be listening anyway. Gave up on RS a long time ago.
It's gunna be dreadful this coming season with the blunts in the promised land, other teams will get the srcaps, it really WILL be radio Sheffield!!!!
To be fair, that's understandable to some extent. When we were in the Prem, our away games were always live on Radio Sheffield IIRC. Can't complain if the Blades get a bit more coverage. The best way to combat that would be to get up there ourselves.
Just looked at Radio Dee Dar schedule for 10th August and they have Bournemouth v Sheff Utd on, as well as ours.
They should have a word limit per manager. Which means Daniel would get more air time, as he's still catching up on his Englisch..
I just CANNOT understand why we actually take part in this circus !?!?! Clearly biased towards the Sheffield clubs in where this phone in is held - which enables the radio station to lord it over the rest of the clubs in the region. If I was Whitey I’d insist that the event is held in the Garrison - or else we ain’t fooking attending. Proof if proof was needed. The day Chien Lee and the rest of the Barnsley directors took over at Barnsley - that is to say, the most important event in football in the region for decades - did Radio Sheffield have a live phone in to discuss this - NO - instead they had a phone in with Tony Currie. I will never forget that. So why does our club Barnsley continue to pander to these BBC Radio Sheffield TW@TS !!! We need answers Whitey !?!?!
Daniel looked left out to me. Looked anxious. Anyways any gossip my stream was buffering when he spoke haha
YT - I don’t think I necessarily need to say to you that YN doesn’t represent any other opinion on this board but feel assured that others do appreciate your efforts on our behalf! YN - take a minute to chill out!
By far the best radio station for Barnsley FC coverage with them talking about us daily and giving our games radio coverage and extensive coverage post match and on a Thursday. We would be screwed without them as we have no alternative station to step up.
Dee Dar loving fookers crawling out of the woodwork. They might give Barnsley coverage - but they always make sure Barnsley knows their place with regard to the Sheffield clubs.