I’m not defending the chant that some of the lads were singing on Saturday and only mentioning this because it’s the same tune to the Chant. When England were singing it about Maguire having a massive head do people get offended by that anorl? There is songs about heskey having a massive so and so anorl still sung at Wembley every England game, I’ve never really thought of it as anything other than and comic tune really until I read the comments on here.
I understand that part of the debate now. Never thought anything of it before if I’m honest. However, what I want to know is would people be offended by that particular chant too? Let’s be fair it is taking the piss out of someone’s appearance.
Without trying to sound holier than thou, it says a lot about society that some people responded to this chant with “I wish they were singing about how big my knob is” as if that’s even close to being the point
******* hell. The worlds biggest storm in the worlds smallest T cup. Its a bad taste song which Bambo its recipent took **** all offence to yet it seems Tarn fans are one K of being part of the clan. It seems to escape peoples brains when seeking to find offence that over the last 10 years or so the 'cult heros' have all been... Black. Dimi Dyer Mvoto Sessi Barring a few pisses up dickheads with a limited vocabulary theres very little overt racial abuse thrown about. Perspective required.
I didn’t mean it to sound like I was putting both in the same bracket because clearly they’re both different I get that. I just find it interesting to see what is offensive at football games now, like 10 year ago or maybe even 5 a chant like that would just be chuckled at and no offence taken. But it seems now that everything is questioned, and in some cases rightly so. I just don’t want it to go too far. I would genuinely be interested to see if folk are offended by the Maguire chant.
A few points: 1. How do you know Bambo wasn't offended? 2. Who is saying that Tarn fans are "one k short of being part of the clan?" The tweet acknowledges that it is a misguided attempt at support. 3. I don't understand what the "cult hero" status of previous black players (at least one of whom had a similar song sung about him) has to do with this chant
Speaking personally, no. I’m not ‘offended’ by the Bambo chant either, but I think it’s very inappropriate and I can see that it could cause offence, so I wouldn’t say it. The difference for me between the chants is that Maguire’s head is there for all to see (can’t miss it!), whereas for Bambo/Lukaku, it’s completely based on a stereotype.
Racial stereotyping on the lines of physical characteristics is lame and frankly embarrassing regardless of it being positive or well intentioned. If this particular chant is okay, what about the next one comparing him to a gorilla? It's the same precept. It just isn't necessary and makes us look like neanderthals who approach relationships with black people with us being unable to think beyond tired ideas about their anatomy. I'm not having it associated with my club. If being denied the right to be so publically vulgar is really such an injustice to you, maybe you should take a moment to think of the harm racial stereotyping has and is doing to black people.
Let’s hope they can reflect and change now it’s been made clear it’s not ok. I think most didn’t mean it to be offensive, but they now have the chance to put it to bed, let’s hope they do.
There is a tweet doing the rounds of a Dm sent to Bambo apologising for the chant - he didn't seem to mind. Lazy stereotyping of racist - seen arguments for both and the it's ok option to balance the argument - the guy's called Bambo and he wears 5.- we've plenty things better to work with
I thought it was telling that he said he didn’t think it was ‘sang with racist intentions’, not that it isn’t racist. I suspect he was correct in his reply and it wasn’t intended to cause offence but that doesn’t make it ok. I also think whoever messaged him put him in a shitty situation. He’s a new player in a new country, he’s not going to reply saying yes he thinks people are racist and make the ones who misguidedly thought they were showing him support now hate him is he? Edit: the dm and reply I saw wasn’t apologising, it just asked if he thought it was racist.
My sentiments exactly and fully agree with this comment. I also saw the Tweet and it certainly wasn't an apology.
Barnsley twitter was in meltdown over this statement. A small number of around 20-30 regular posters have given themselves the job of being the voice of all Barnsley fans. Embarrassing really, they were arguing like toss with anyone that said the song is racist.
I’ve seen people on Twitter referencing scientific documents researching the length of men’s tallywhackers. We are living in bizarre times.
I saw that. Anything to prove that they aren’t racist. Chances are they aren’t racist but are just mad that they don’t find the song racist when it actually is.