I think it's a very serious question personally. So I'd love it if you would list the ways the EU is failing.
might be something to do with a chancellor that didnt see it coming and banks lending money to people who could never pay it back, ( insert name of chancellor and country of choice) everything is to do with something. what exactly has caused this mess, for me its not brexit but the uncertainty of it and no one knowing when its going to happen. its all the for the few not the many brigade ( 52%- 48%)who didnt get their own way that are trying their utmost to f**k it up instead of getting behind the majority of the country and trying to make it work. what i want to know is why is the EU making it so hard/near impossible for us to leave, dont get me wrong i'm all for a deal but its got to be a deal that suits both parties, thats why i think we should have the thanks but no thanks shove it up your ar5e option available as a last resort, as it stands the eu can come up with a useless deal and we cant leave if the minority remoaners get the minority way
How many times - it is not the EU deal, it is the deal negotiated by the UK Government with the EU. May's negotiators had their say in the deal, the Red Lines were T May's - please can the Brexiteers at least own their fair share of the shitshow. And why should a members club make it easy for someone to leave. Only makes it easier for the next one to leave which they don't want. UK seems to want to do the equivalent of stopping paying for a gym membership, but retain the use of the gyms facilities. Then stomp and shout when the gym says no.
The majority of the people who voted*. I know that's how it works but words matter, it was ony 27% of the UK. Edit: I can't seem to make the pic smaller without attaching it as a thumbnail.
You do know the sub prime lending was in America, right? That then pushed through the whole global financial system.
Not *just* America, but they were the worst by far. I saw an interview with a 30-something American guy on Canadian TV in 2007, who had no job, but had mortgages for ~10 properties and was just going to hand them back. These had been packaged up and sold to banks around the world.
1. Rise of far right parties within the union 2. countless euroskeptic MEPs in the Parliament 3. Destroying our fishing industry 4. Undemocratic to its core 5. Arrogance on an unprecidented level in terms of Greece (deposing a democratically elected gov't for their own stooges). 6. Very poor growth forcasts for Germany and France etc. (probably because they are being forced to subsidise the tin pot countries they are letting in/let in. Off the top of my head, thats not a bad start.
Just out of interest. How long do you think the mandate for the referendum in 2016 lasts? Given that we are now on our 3rd PM, 4th government (Cameron, May 2016, May 2017 and Johnson) and are looking at our second general election in that time. The will of the people on that date is likely to have changed (demographics mean a change in voters much larger than the majority already even if everyone voted the same way)
But you asked him for proof of the statistic and he showed you, btw it's now up to 1.09 24 hours later
Agree. Two really important things that I think people don't know or choose to ignore are: The fundamental purpose of the European Union is to make sure another war in Europe cannot happen. And. Where as government grants always go to places where it is thought there will be "more bang for the buck" ie: they can get something out of it for themselves, some kind of return, EU funding goes to the places where it needed most. Hence the vast amounts of money received by towns like Barnsley from the European Regeneration Fund.
im sorry you've nearly got a full house on the brexiteer bingo there 1. its not brexit causing the mess 2. blame the EU for making it hard 3. blame the ones who didn't get their own way 4. im all for a deal but il walk away without one, causing yet more trouble
The thing I'm interested to hear is peoples views not just on what's bad in/out of the EU, but what leaving will mean positively for our country? What do we anticipate to being better?