I should add that "exit day" is just a term of art for the purpose of the UK legislation. The operative date of leaving would be that set down in the EU treaty to which we are parties.
Its not a Unilateral decision and the EU must agree, I think if it was for us to have a general election they would do so but hard to see anything else doing it as they must have had enough by now
Thanks for this interesting post. The thing about the trade deals though could be misread. I think the reason trade deals take ages to negotiate is because of the complications of the parties negotiating positions. When we come to negotiate, I don’t think we will have a negotiation position, we’ll be going to a gunfight without a gun. We could get a trade deal quickly but with terrible terms.
Whereas Glamorgan and Gwent have always been Labour strongholds the non-industrialised mid-Wales constituencies have alternated between Liberal and Conservative. Further North and West Plaid has made inroads although the more industrialised N.E. of Wales is labour. And Pembrokeshire in the S.W. is Tory.
I enjoy these political threads especially contributions from some erudite posters like Mr O ( although I disagree with a lot of what he says) and Farnham Red. What I don't like are these insults that are made against those of us who are 'leavers.' Because we have a different opinion we have been called idiots, stupid, disillusioned, thick, ill-informed, brainwashed, racist, tory, don't know what we're doing etc. (and it's not only you Donny Red who come out with these insults.) If we have differences of opinions however wrong we think someone is we shouldn't resort to personal insults.
Unfortunately that now seems to be the "new normal" in politics at all levels. The days of respecting (but disagreeing with) your opponents views are long gone.
Been busy all day but just seen my name mentioned here. One of the problems with social media be it this board or twitter facebook etc is the fact that abuse and insults are tolerated in a way that would be unthinkable in any face to face discussions be it about Brexit or the goings on at Barnsley Football club - I find it quite distressing Its particularly bad on twitter though and has really led to a dumbing down of debate and fake news which is bad for everyone except those out to destabilise things for political or monetary gain