Sleep well, sir. We owe you and your comrades so much.
Many Thanks !!!! We are saying goodbye to a generation of Heroes that kept our country safe but they will never be forgotten.
I always wanted to meet someone who took part in this battle, sadly it looks as though time is very much running out. Hats off to a special generation.
Agreed, whilst I'm a pacifist I only have the greatest admiration for people like this who fought for our freedom. My Dad would have been 101 now, but he left us five years ago, having served in the army in Burma, Ceylon and India in the war. His younger brother, my Uncle, was not so fortunate, shot down and killed in 1943 at the age of 23 whilst serving as a pilot in the RAF.
RIP dear fellow. You got to save Europe and the world from racism and do it by using the greatest engineering masterpiece in Human history. Without people like you, we wouldn’t have what we have now.
May the wind always be at your back and the sun upon your face. And may the wings of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars.” Rest in peace