Worst - a toss up between Scowen's bumfluff moustache, and Luke Thomas's bumfluff attempt to look like one of the three musketeers. Best - Phil Chambers and Mick McCarthy sported proper taches, which wouldn't have looked out of place at one of Freddie Mercury's parties. Also an honourable mention for Radlinger's perfectly coiffurred beard.
I'll ask my missus when she returns from her weekend away this evening. But I expect she'll be impressed. She was always a big Nardiello fan!
Thomas's facial hair and haircut are a disgrace. His barber should be loved into a week next Wednesday. Malcy Shotton best ever.
Joe Joyce broke into the team around the end of Phil Chambers playing days and sported one of the most impressive taches in the history of Pro Football or indeed the 80's porno industry.
When Ashley Ward was in town you needed a drip tray for the girls. Some barstewards have all the luck .
Although the 70's were generally a dire time for us on the pitch, there were some top taches around. Can't believe I forgot about Les Lea and Brian Joicey.
Reight goaly trained to be a driving instructor back end. bit o clutch control from the old boy. Nice bloke offered him a job turned mi darn to go goaly coaching
Update for @Redhelen - Mrs M reckons Radlinger's quite nice, but "not a patch on Luke Steele." So there you have it, the voice of authority has spoken! She's not a beard fan though. Which is a pity, as I'm way too lazy to shave every day.
Do they? Good. Message for Mrs Andersen - Thank you for letting your beautiful boy, Mads, come and play out in Barnsley. He is in safe hands, we will look after him, and if you ever come here to visit him, I would be honoured to cook you all a traditional English Sunday dinner. Xx
Ok then. Mind you it would be boring if we all thought the same Right I've now had a Google to compare and normally not fussed on beards but it definitely improves Sammi s looks with one than without .
I agree, it makes him look like an adult. Whereas Luke Thomas's facial catastrophe has the opposite effect! To be honest, I think my missus is just biased, as she absolutely loves Luke Steele.