Royston Windows - Quality job - tidied up around themselves and did me a loverly back door with a nice Toby Tyke emblem on it. Can't say whether they are cheap or not - but 20 years of hassle free opening, closing and looking through. Not always about price.
The deviation in the quality of PVCu windows is really alarming. Probably the best question to ask, is " who's profile do you use in the manufacture of your Windows". ? Other consideration should be the front to back dimensions ( don't buy slimline) and are your windows fully or partially re- inforced and is that using steel or aluminium.? Don't fall into the trap my mate did re- cheap and cheerful seven windows for a grand. Very poor quality, contained a high proportion of re-gran ( in contravention of BS kitemark) and insufficient titanium dioxide additive with the result they went pink and yellow very quickly. Personally found that the best profiles were made by Smith/Halo and Veka, who are now one and the same Company. Might be a good idea to go on the Veka website and search for an approved Contractor in the Barnsley area, as a comparison both in price and quality against any others you see. I recently had seven new Veka windows fitted by Dewsbury Glass. Internally glazed with locking facility on all handles, fully guaranteed for 21 years. With DGU's the cost was just short of £3k, but three of them are really big windows.