The show is broken down into 30 min slots with the 16:00 : 16:30 showing first. Click on the down arrow in the top right corner to change time slots. I think we’re in the 17:30 : 18:00 snippet about 5 mins in.
He's very much "tongue in cheek" is Mr Durham. Says some really controversial things in the hope he's going to rile his listeners, so they will hopefully react by phoning in to argue with him. I dont listen to the station now, but I recall two incidents as being classic cases in point. On one show, he said Jamie Carragher was a "bottler " for quitting playing for England, which prompted the Liverpool defender to phone in to take him to task. On another occasion, he was critical of Celtic. He was therefore really surprised when Rod Stewart called in and gave him a bit of a tongue lashing. Durham is known to be a big Arsenal fan, so without being able to prove it, by gushing over our performance, on Saturday, he might well have been stirring things up, so that Fulham fans called in to have a go at him. There used to be another presenter on Talksport called Mike Parry. He used to utter the most outlandish things in the hope of getting a reaction. Not heard of him for some time, but noticed he was one of the guests on " the Jeremy Vine show" this morning.