Does any one know if the Club intend to install contactless, I always forget to take change so never get a beer at half time. Just think if this happened sales would improve.
Particularly nice to have it on an evening kick off when you're coming straight from work and want a bite to eat. The takings would rocket if they did.
My step-brother is over from Adelaide and asked the same question, he couldn’t believe we didn’t have it!
Went out round London with one of my pals a couple of years ago and he looked at me odd when I got notes out of my wallet. Everyone uses card down there apparently. Guess i'm used to some locals not accepting card.
I’ve been in bars in London that are card only most people just use Apple Pay or Android pay on their phone
I never have cash on me. There’s been times when I would have gritted my teeth and ignored the prices for a hot drink or food but I couldn’t have got one anyway as no cash on me. Do buses in Barnsley take card or still cash only? The ones in Leeds advertise on them that they take card now.
I've not been to Oakwell for a while but can't believe they don't. Plenty of bars and cafes round here (in Birmingham) don't even take cash - even at the test match this weekend Edgbaston was card-only at the bars. Now I'm not a huge fan of places not accepting cash, but there are plenty of quick card payment solutions that you can set up in a couple of days, so I think there's no excuse for not offering it alongside. When I started trading in 2016 I took maybe 20% of sales on card. Now it's more like 75, and only going up. Seems mad to run a retail business in 2019 and limit yourself to just cash. Are there even any ATMs in the ground?
Peroni and Moretti on cask? Edit: Oh, I see! The handpulls are even more odd in that case - I'm not sure how you would even do a cask AF beer, much less the two aforementioned.
Contact SLO will take it up with the club. BARNSLEY FC SLO on facebook messenger Or just on Facebook link to message them . Puts points across for supporters to club and any other advice
Once upon a time when I was out drinking and ran out of cash I went home. Now I wake up with an even worse hangover wondering how much I spent on my card. It’s a dangerous tool that contactless