I honestly don’t see why folk are arguing against this, we purport to support the club, the club don’t want us to do it so surely it shouldn’t be sung ( in its existing form) Thing is it’s typical of a bouncing football chant and helps generate atmosphere so it makes no sense to junk it , it only needs a couple of words changing, then nobody is offended , it’s hardly a g Big ask is it?
I think he probably just heard his name as I did. Obviously those singing the full lyrics were further along the ponte than I am.
No worries, I just think the majority of people singing it are not the racist monsters they’re being made out to be (obviously we have some village idiots who are). Just daft and not really aware. This could happen at any club.
I’ve not made an excuse for anything? I’ve took issue with the wording of kick it out’s statement. I’ve said I’d prefer our fans not to sing it but I’ll also say & keep on saying it’s not racist abuse. It’s a racist stereotype, it isn’t the same thing. It’s wrong of an organisation to make out like we all sat there & listened to one of our players been racially abused by our own fans & did nothing. I’ll guarantee you not one outsider who’s read that statement by kick it out is thinking some of our fans have been singing about a black players penis, they’ll all read that & think Diaby’s been having nasty, racist abuse chanted at him by his own fans. That’s what I don’t like about it. I’m annoyed that our fans haven’t took notice of the clubs statement but I’m also annoyed that kick it out have made out that our fans have racially abused our own player. I’d be happy if it doesn’t get sang again & kick it out reword the false statement.
It's getting confusing! I think a certain section must be singing the original words but when it spans out people are just singing his name and maybe that's what hes hearing?
I doubt he knows all the words. I was sat in the West Stand and could only make out the Bambo Diaby bits. I knew the rest of it from what had been said on here after the friendly. I can't see Bambo having done the same.
Being happy for the club to be associated with racism in national media because you want to sing a song about a stereotype is a crazy mindset.
When yer brought up watching things like It ain’t half hot mum. Then you find all this shi.te very very trivial shi.te. And NO ..... I don’t want to move on. In fact I’m still not convinced by decimalisation.
Have you considered ballroom dancing - because it’s obvious football isn’t suitable for you. Nowt to be ashamed of - it’s just not up your street.
Beginning to fall out with 'Kick it Out' because they don't have a clue what they're talking about. This is bigger than them and they don't get it. I'd like to shut the ******* down and have an organisation represent minorities in football who are actually part of the minority, not a bunch of politically correct ne're do wells who promote white guilt. Let's have a body run by minorities - Black, Asian, Gay, Transgender - who genuinely understand the issues. Not a bunch of white middle class c*ck suckers who tell us what we should think.
Here's some more trivial shi.te. Just poking fun at stereotypes or mindnumbingly racist. Sadly there'll be a number on here finding it hilarious. Shocking how times have changed or not.