It'll be interesting to see how the club deal with this. Very little is done about any other offensive chants, such as those about inbreeding and such like, which have often been directed at Barnsley fans. If anything they are equally or more offensive than this racial stereotyping.
Why can’t I, a very reasonable white man with legitimate reasons™ sing a song about another man’s penis without his consent, like my parents and their parents before them? What is this country coming to? For a start I did not make that comment I mentioned no colour and wouldn't but if he's no problem about it y should u or Any1 else if he as then fair enough Seems to be quite a balanced mix of ethnicity and gender, making somewhat prejudiced assumptions from names and surnames. I could be missing something as I admit to not having more than 2 minutes worth of goolgling knowledge of them. I think that them categorising this together with what apparently happened to Cyrus Christie's sister is unfair but maybe there's more that I don't know about this organisation? Your dislike of them is obviously strong.
I propose we do 2 things, keep the song but change the lyrics to Cauley Woodrows c0cks massive. Invent a new song about Bambo having a small **** to prove we are against racism and stereotyping
Yer not be racist then If some1 sang it bout u what would u do so women are basically racist when they saw he's a massive **** now but no1 moans like this if I thought it was very racist I wouldn't sing it or or and wouldn't be happy but when some1 it's aimed at don't mind song and says it's not racist then
So also u saying the players who came over dancing with I'm wi song didn't know too what was being said if was that bad am sure they'd av come over and also been a complaint by players but no1 sed owt like cyrus Christie did
Putting all the previous discussion aside, why on earth would aforementioned man want to sing a song about another man’s penis? It’s just weird. Funny for about a millisecond, and then just stupid. The fact that people are actually insistant on their rights to sing such a song is even more weird. It’s a crap song and stamping feet because you want to sing it is a bit embarrassing. Why can’t the singers just drop the last line? It’s not like it’s critical to the tune?
You weren't around in Ronnie Moores self abusing whilst wearing a hat days then By the way I would say it's more racial stereotyping and less racial abuse......just change the last bit of the song to massive blowk....might catch on and drown the others out to the point they stop singing the offensive bit.
I've no idea I've not med song up why would a lot of other clubs sing stupid songs and be propley racist and 1 thing I ain't is racist
If 1 in 10 is homosexual then that's 1200 minimum at Oakwell on a Saturday, no wonder half the Ponte want to sing about another man's ****