Just seen a video on Facebook with one of our "Fans" being caught by the Paedophile Hunters team. We are a Family club and people like that (if found guilty which it seems he is as he got arrested and admitted to talking to a few children) shouldnt be allowed near Oakwell. Especially as there will be Kids there week in week out. Whats other peoples opinions on this?
I think they make things worse, like you say entrapment. They need to take a total different approach, maybe do some training. Obviously it's a tough subject..
I think they get away with it being entrapment because they let them know a number of times they’re underage. Vigilante groups don’t help but they’re doing more than what the police are doing on the matter.
Talking to children... why would anyone want to do that? I keep clear of the little so-and-sos. The local mums here have a little saying, "danger, danger, stranger."
I reckon that as the social problems, crime and injustice grows and becomes more and more unattended by the limited resources of the Police force we will see more vigilant action in play. Sad but this is where the country is going with so many cuts to essential services. With an increase in right wing support i wouldn't be surprised to see the Vigilant groups also become the judge and jurors if this carries on
Sadly this is the likely future unless the police get the resources needed to do a proper job and the courts start punishing with proper sentences as a deterrent.
If convicted, the police can apply for an order to prevent them from attending football matches (at Oakwell or elsewhere) If convicted, the club can ban him as it is private land if they wish to do so.
\ What do you want, a statement from the club disavowing their association with an alleged criminal because of a "video on Facebook"? Sidenote: can anyone name a professional club that doesn't consider itself "a family club"?