And you are doing what at 2am...... tending your house plants ?! (I’ve been working) not something Barnsley folk used to!
Look, I know you've crushed it at work today and made a tidy two figure sum with all that business acumen you clearly possess, so you've probably popped into the offy to buy a well deserved couple of bottles of Lambrini to neck in the hot tub and all the bubbles have gone straight to your head. Get some sleep, you need to be firing on all cylinders for tomorrow. Go get 'em, tiger.
"Dear Diary, I went on a football forum to try and make some friends, I said a silly thing and then they all started picking on me. I tried to get them back onside by telling them about all my money but it just made it worse. All I want are some real friends instead of all the plastic hanger-ons who just like me for my corporate box."
I posted on forum (after much delay) to stop you being SO thick. Don’t use Facebook, Twitter or any other Social Media cos don’t need to. Bet you do?!?!? Who desperate for friends??!
Hold on, that doesn't compute. You wouldn't pay tax at 50% even allowing for NI. Deductions for NI from a salary move to 2% above £50,000, meaning most of your income would be taxed at 42%. Unless of course you aren't claiming the tax free £12,500 through a tax code which would put £10,000 of your income into the 45% tax bracket. However, that would only mean 47% on a small part of your salary. If this were the case you'd be doing something very wrong with your tax return but then again it seems you can't even spell "less" correctly. The second part of this quote seemed like you were going to burst into the old Talking Heads song. I presume you have a "large automobile" and I presume it has an even larger bonnet.
Sooooo funny........ ur all sooooo stressed, but the cash ALL sat in MY bank accountt!! can’t spell, etc...... but rich as #### !!!!
All you need worry about is my monthly take home of £10k...... more than any player at BFC let alone a fan!! Stop trying to interfere in something WAY out of you or ANY other fans league. Little BOYS!