... are match day ifollow live match passes only to be bought on matchday? Asking because here I am now in errr...... Canada (yes that's it - Canada) having followed andytyke's amazing instructions regarding how to watch from abroad. But I don't know whether everything has fully worked. Thank you so much.
you can buy one now as long as you are "in" Canada already not sure there is much benefit in doing it before the day of the game though
That's a bit worrying cos it doesn't seem as though I have the option so to buy. I shall look again tonight when I have flown back to Canada.
I looked on the net to see if there was any indication as to when these passes were available to watch any particular club. There is hardly any info. On our site it says "Grab your international match pass on Saturday", not for Saturday. So I wonder if they are buyable now. btw your instructions on how to sort this thing out were superb. I am useless at these things but managed to get all the way to the end (apart from buying a pass).I am presuming you can use your existing ifollow account to buy a pass?
Not sure but I think your better off setting up a new account from your new country. I use one for match day pass which I only log into when tunnel is on and I have uk account I always use
Mmm but did you set up your one account stating that you were abroad already, rather than setting it up at home before then going abroad?
Understand money is tight for some, but if at all possible it should be going through iFollow so the club gets a cut.
I managed to watch most games last season by buying match day passes but this year it say access restricted from my location. can someone point me in direction to where i wont be restricted