Are we a family club when it suits as charging 36 for two games this season when play Leeds Wednesday not affordable for family if families that don't have season tickets for what ever reason
Look at what I’ve posted, I’ve argued specifically that it’s not racist. It’s profiling i.e. different. Just because the club deems it this or that doesn’t mean it’s right.
What would somebody need to tell you in order for you to change your opinion that the song is not racist? I fear there is nothing, which makes this discussion pointless.
The debate doesn't exist. All our opinions about whether it's racist or not are irrelevant. Singing it is not allowed, it's as simple as that. For me, it's like being stopped for driving at 40 in a 30 limit, then trying to argue: - 1) Lots of other people were speeding, so I shouldn't be punished. 2) This stretch of road should really have a 40 limit, not 30, so I shouldn't be punished.
I do like TobyOnTheMoon's avatar. Could we have that as our away strip? Just trying to lighten the mood like.
I can confirm that having showered with a fair few black lads after football/gym, it's not a universal truth. It's like saying all Chinese people are good at maths. Being good at maths isn't a bad thing, but you're saying they're all good at it. How would you feel if you were Chinese and not good at maths? Or a black lad with a small/average sized member, and hundreds of people were chanting you had a big one? I can see from your later posts in this thread that I'm wasting my time replying though.
Just provide evidence or a well reasoned argument that there was hostility in the chant and it wasn’t just a set of fans singing something they thought was positive about a person whose efforts they appreciate. It just seems to be - at least from my arguably utilitarian pov - that this is just people shouting racist for reasons that are not built on solid foundations.
The fact that you might suggest "it's positive" is neither here nor there for me. It's suggesting that stereotyping in general is valid and appropriate. It normalises the practice of making sweeping generalisations about people based on the colour of their skin. Also you say you have a utilitarian viewpoint. Surely you can agree that it's better for society for a few knobheads to be sad that they have to change a few words about another man's c0ck than to promote the idea of racial generalisations to all the impressionable children in the crowd?