charlton sign midfielder on a free transfer from bolton could he have done a job for us with the injury to mowatt?
i thought we were interested in him once upon a time when he was at walsall and has experience at this level with bolton?
Saw him play for Dulwich hamlets. Absolutely tiny but heart of a lion and technically very good. Ran the show for hamlets and chipped in with some great free kicks, think he got 20+ goals one season Was a pity we didn’t try for him a few years back
Just out of interest, how or why has this transfer been allowed. My understanding was if a player was under contract to a club at the end of a transfer window, then even if they had their contract paid up, they wouldn't be allowed to sign and play for a new club until the next transfer window. Whilst I understand that Bolton are in technical terms, in the ****, he was still under contract to them( according to the way the article has been written, although he's not been in the last 2 match day squads). Can anyone clarify please.
Because Bolton have breached contracted agreements allowing players to move as they haven’t been getting paid. Can’t recall exactly, but think two months unpaid allows them to walk and it’s been about 7, though some pfa assistance I’m sure
No, he’s not the kind of midfielder we need. We’d be just as well playing Bahre in the centre ahead of Oztumer.
I trust you’re not being serious. I’d be returning my season ticket if Dawson ever set foot in the building again.
As I understand it he quit after not having been paid etc. but Bolton refused to accept it, so the question of whether he had the right to leave had to be decided. Now they've decided he did have the right, his original resignation stands, so he was technically a free agent from that point on. Something like that anyway!
Didn't he say he'd been abandoned & hung out to dry(or words to that effect) When actually we had offered him a contract or was it someone else ?
Yes I was taking the puss You would be just behind me in the que if he came back, but he does have championship experience.