I don't see the uproar.... https://www.theguardian.com/technol...e-calls-to-reconsider-facial-recognition-tech If the technology can be trusted to work properly, it would speed up people getting in to the ground and save on tickets getting sent out which might get lost in the post.
I agree. People who don’t like being under constant state surveillance should bugger off and live in Sweden or a more liberal country. We’re well past 1984 here.
Why not pass a law requiring us all to have tracking chips fitted - it could double as credit card store all tickets for events and in case you are suspected of any offence the police can just follow the homing signal and pick you up. or review history to see who was there. Good law abiding people would have nothing to fear. in fact I wont be surprised if thats the next liberal idea that Patel comes up with
That’s got to be right. If you commit an offence, like speeding for example, you could also have a branding mark inserted into your forehead. Three marks and you’re exterminated. It’s got to be the way forward because lawlessness is getting out of control. Today I saw a women just willynilly throw litter onto the floor. Of course I confronted her straight away. She came up with the old chestnut that she wasn’t aware she’d dropped it. I wasn’t having any of that and I took old of her,the Zimmer frame, stick and Labrador and tried to take her to the Police Station. Some bleeding heart liberals intervened and stopped me. Disgraceful. I’d revoke her citizenship and imprison her chilldren if I had my way.
They can identify who's tacitly condoning homophobia, the subjugation of women, the torture of 'enemies of the state' and miscellaneous other human rights abuses in exchange for a few football trophies.
The danger is the technology could be abused. For example it could identify people as Barnsley FC supporters. Imagine that! You’d have Social Services (that’s Younger People’s Services for those of you under 30) intervening with forced psychiatric ‘help’. Fans would be prevented from working in jobs which required a high degree of judgement. You wouldn’t be allowed to have children because of an obvious failure to make balanced judgements and good assessments. Where would it end.
You're right, if you've got nothing to hide then there's nothing to be scared of...oh, hold on a minute...isn't that what the Nazis said? We better add some vestige of "if you're not patriotic, you're a traitor" into the messaging. That should see us right.