My guess with Cavare is we did intend for him to play, something "off the pitch" has happened and he won't play for us again but we aren't coming clean in case it scuppers any chance of selling. I reckon we've probably told his agent to try and get him a foreign move and if that doesn't come off we'll sell him for a fiver in January
They wanted him to sign a new contract but he wouldn't. Therefore, they wanted to sell him as he only had one year left. We already knew that didn't we? Don't find it particularly hard to understand.
Do they know players don't spontaneously combust when the window closes? Or that there might actually be some value in starting the season with a centre back worth 5m+ rather than having 3m in cash? It says everything you need to know - we don't decide to sell if we deem an offer to be good enough. We decide we're going to sell and then take the best money offered, regardless of whether it's actually good enough or not.
I don’t want to spend what we can’t afford, and understand we have to make good money on some of our players to balance the books, but surely rather than selling all 3 players (Moore, Pinnock and Lindsay) when Davies was already leaving we’d have been better selling 1, or at a push 2. That should have given us enough transfer money to survive on and still be less unsettling to the team. Surely the performance of the team has to carry some weight vs the cash injection for new players (stock?)
None of this is news to me. All our players are for sale at all times. Now that is of course true of nearly all players at all clubs. The difference it would seem at Oakwell is, we will happily sell everyone off in one go with no regard for the impact this will have on the field.
I think that’s all we need to learn from our new owners. They aren’t here to build a team, just make some profit. Sure it will lead to many season ticket holders deciding not to bother renewing down the line.
Make it worse he is the best right back at the club in the league one team of last season. I'm sure this scenario is every managers dream..
Cavare may have acted like an arsehole. I have no idea, but my guess would be he probably did. He's got form. I'm not saying I'm right, it's just my guess. If he did, and they sat their and lied to people: Fc*k 'em. I care more about young people struggling to come to terms with their emotions and this bloody thing we call life than I do about people who should know better with zero integrity.
Heard yesterday that he is the reason Woodrow is currently unavailable, could explain why he's not flavour of the month if true.
It’s different though, isn’t it? He wasn’t out of contract, he had a year option in our favour. An option that many are of the opinion is there purely to allow the club to get some money for an out of contract player.
Bloody hell. So we're now losing the 4th of last season's back 5? Three of whom have been sold? Three of whom were in the team of the year? Smells of bull to me to say we'd planned not to use Cavare. If that's the case and we haven't signed a senior right back then I don't know if that's worse or the lies are.
But we have to pay his wages, there are only two transfer windows, one already gone, and you get very little for a player in the final year of his contract, particularly if you have no intention of playing him. He's a good player so we signed him, something has since gone on that has caused a problem, but they lied to us about it. I have no time for that nonsense and no respect for people who peddle it (not you, the ones who gave the answer).
I have a problem with the "take the first offer quick" attitude. Pinnock for one had many suitors and if we are that desperate to sell, a "real" price should have been received overall Im starting to feel a little concerned.
I don’t have a clue what the truth is, but I will point out that the window has closed here, but I’d be very surprised if he doesn’t go to somewhere in Europe before 2nd September
Agreed. Either the owners don't know what they're doing, or they don't care. Either way we're f*cked.