If we revert to WTO rules we will have to have a hard border or zero tariffs across the board. Stop the dishonesty it convinces no one.
Just like the HoL report; there’s nothing about ‘Brexit’ that puts the GFA in jeopardy. But a hard Brexit requires a border, and that will seriously damage Northern Ireland’s political landscape. And that is why the untrustworthy Brexiteers wont admit they need a border. It’s also why TM set red lines and then accepted the backstop. To pretend it’s s made up problem is to ignore the obvious, to obfuscate and talk about theoretical technological solutions is just ‘slight of hand’. There isn’t a workable solution - if there was, they’d be building it right now. I’ll ask again - if you’ve got an actual solution (not just some whataboutery that doesn’t offer anything) tell us what it is. How will your solution work? How will it secure our borders and protect the political unrest in NI?
I'm assuming you've not actually read the article you linked, given it actually confirms BoJo's claim was in fact truthful. You'd have thought the Chair of the Melton Mowbray Pork Pie Association (now also revealed to be vehemently anti-Brexit and, unsurprisingly, a dyed in the wool Labour man) might have better knowledge of his brief. But I expect his giddy desire to score some cheap political points against BoJo, aided and abetted (naturally) by the equally excited propagandists at the BBC - 'hey let's not bother verifying the facts, you know, like proper journalists would, 'cos this guys going to help us smear a PM who's seemingly trying to deliver Brexit.....' - got in the way. I'm sure the BBC radio shows responsible will be at great pains to apologise tomorrow............
Which establishes that, as BoJo had suggested, we have exported Pork Pies to those countries. What's the point............
Whilst being true at 00.01 on brexit day the Irish and EU have no control of goods/VAT/taxes etc. One complaint to the WTO that their interests are being hurt and the WTO steps in.
De facto they do. Or your alternative is to have zero tariffs on all goods which when say the 35% tariff on nZ lamb is removed would completely decimate the farming industry. I suspect that you know this and are happy to peddle half truths to back up your argument which is to be frank pretty cowardly.
Of course they don't - they don't have to. But they do assume that goods will be checked into importing countries. Again - this is just further obfuscation - we talk about border controls and smart arses think that pointing out that WTO rules don't mention 'borders' makes the facts disappear. What's your plan - other than swatting down questions you've got a pre prepared nonsense answer for?
Exactly de facto a hard brexit will mean a hard border that we not the Irish have to erect and maintain or remove all tariffs on all goods which would close waste swathes of our remaining industry. It’s frankly a dishonest and disingenuous argument.
The words straws and clutching spring to mind . Leave the EU and they lose geographical protection ( or whatever it's called) and other countries would have no need to import as they can then make their own......along with pasties...cheeses etc..good business idea that one
Looks like Boris’ plans are out! Asking Queen this week to suspend parliament ahead of a Queen’s Speech on Oct 14th. Would give no time for those planning legislative measures to block no-deal. Cummings, you crafty f.u.ck.
Government to ask Queen to suspend Parliament https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-49493632 There is going to be an almighty row about this today I think
Anyone who reads my posts on here know I am not guilty of what you have just said...you simply said the WTO rules insist on a hard border and they do not.
But de facto they do. Put it another way do you think the UK govt will remove all tariffs on all goods from every country in the world? If you do then that’s fine you are right applying WTO rules will not mean that we need a hard border. If we don’t do that which clearly we won’t as it would make millions unemployed virtually overnight you other option is to have a hard border. I suspect you know this.
Taking back control and all that - A government that has a Prime minister elected by less than 0.1% of the electorate planning to stop parliement influencing its decision to leave the EU with no deal despite having no mandate to do so from the Electorate and being clearly against the will of Parliament itself And this was all about giving us control instead of the Elected EU supposedly Im still waiting for anyone to explain a single tangible benefit of leaving with no deal - to anyone who doesnt have large offshore assets and so can avoid tax on them, But even that doesnt need us to leave with no deal - leaving with a deal works just fine in that case
No Jimmy, I don't know this, as far as I understand it the information you have is incorrect. The UK are allowed to make the Irish border a special case under WTO rules. This can stand unless there is a formal complaint. It is highly unlikely that the Govt of the ROI would make that complaint as they could be seen as encouraging a hard border..bearing in mind of course the Leo Varadkar has said on many occasions that The ROI do not intend to build a hard border.. If a third party were to complain that the special case is invalid it would lead to a long drawn out arbitration period and possible compensation for the complainant, we are talking several years down the line. Would a third party wish to be seen to be rocking the boat for what is in effect a local arrangement and the most special of cases?
One think I really dislike about the whole Brexit mess apart from whether or not its a good idea is it has become normal now for MP's to just lie and know that there are no consequences. In particular the hard right pro brexit MP's and campaigners happily state things that are not true and seem to be allowed to do so both by the media with very little attempt to hold them to account and by the parties themselves. At one time an MP caught telling demonstrable untruths would be in real trouble - now they just carry on Brexit has become the vehicle of what seems to me to be effectively a right wing coup using tried and tested policies of disinformation used by other similar extreme right (and left) wing groups and it makes me quite concerned for the future - even leaving aside the devastating effects a no deal brexit will bring In other news I see the government has even been proven to be giving less than accurate information in its adverts advising EU citizens who still want to stay here