I’m going in Southampton. Nails it every time, I do wonder how many people don’t realise he’s a comedian
I sort of like him. He hits a lot of nails on heads. I could never quite feel comfortable with him going and working for RT though.
Some great political commentators on RT . Chris hedges probably the best off the top of my head . Some of his talks on American justice regards the black community are a truly eye opening ; which all happened under Obama, bush , Clinton as well as now with trump .
Maybe you should all ask yourselves who he works for. https://libcom.org/blog/unsurprising-reason-jonathan-pie-rants-sound-straight-out-spiked-06022018
It is Putin's propaganda platform though. I've no problem with any of the above getting scrutinised but I suspect Putin is happy to sponsor any divisive comments. I just have a problem with the platform they're using. I still like a lot of Pie's stuff though.
Your kidding right ? You prefer Johnathan pie over a serious journalist because he's on RT and Putin might be trying to influence you ?
Brilliant comedian and commentator and his take on educational institutions that try to close down free speech is spot on. We do ourselves no favours by ‘aping’ right wing tactics. No-one has the right ‘not to be offended’ unless it unlawful.
No, I think you're misunderstanding me or I'm not explaining very well. I like a lot of Pie's stuff. I would prefer he hadn't used RT as a platform. RT is run by an insidious, pretty evil regime.