I can't fault any of our players leaving if I'm honest when we offer zero hope of them being retained once they enter their mid-late 20s. Footballers earn a huge amount of money but it doesn't last forever, they do need to look after their long term prospects.
End of day clubs came in with bids 3m 4m whatever and the spreadsheet bit their hands off. Could easily have been woodrow or mowatt just happened to be moore after we had already done same with pinnock and lindsey. Not replacing him tho will ultimately break us this season tho, missed him so much in these opening games.....
His greed outgrew is, good luck to him. Anyway you dress it up it’s all about the money, Davies was the same. Pinnock maybe not.
Do we have any evidence that Moore wanted to go?.. as far as I can see the actual evidence points to the opposite.. Telling fans in pre-season he wanted to stay.. In the middle of transfer speculation watching the Reds instead of keeping away or watching is perspective new club. Saying this week that we were the best club he's been at... Tell me am wrong, but we only have the club's say so.. that he forced the move.. Looking more to me that we looked to cash in, at probably the height of his value.. 19 goals after injury in L1 Our inexperience upstairs or arrogance after promotion deciding to cash without a suitable replacement... Just my view..
It is up to you to decide but given the article and the final parting shot about outgrowing the club, I know what I'd be putting my money on.
Of course he's going to tell fans he wants to stay he had a few years left on his contract and he's hardly going to say he wants to leave. Liam Lindsay was saying the same to reds fans in Greece in the summer, they probably then come home and wait for their agent to tout them about and see what they can earn. But back onto Moore, all the transfer speculation then coming out and not travelling to France...
Out growing the club?... And moving to ..er Wigan.. Not exactly advancing his career. Just cos one side of a story is put out as the "official version" don't make it true. Looks more like damage limitation to me.. Yours.... Doubting Thomas
Kieffer Moore's agent - http://nonleaguedaily.com/boreham-wood-release-latest-details-of-agent-dispute/
That doesn't mean anything.. All cases are separate and individual. Am sure every agent going as it least once tried to force a move.. And speaking of forcing a move, from Borehamwood to Walsall you can see that,.. not saying its exceptable, but you can see why.. But forcing Barnsley to Wigan.. nar sorry. I suspect ..the club, aren't as innocent in this transfer as they are making out
I suspect they are innocent given all the evidence, continue to blame the club if you wish. All the players flogged wanted to leave, two refused to speak with the club and one was offered the best terms for a player in the clubs history. Time to blame the greedy ******* players, like we used to chant at Brian Howard.
Gi'or, a player that had two years left on a deal, that we had no real reason to sell.. without ridiculously weakening the team, without an able replacement.. Kinda smacks of incompetence really..
He has outgrown our club if we are all abart buying cheap, selling for a profit and paying as little as possible in wages.
He said as much, can’t be any clearer than that, at the end of the day it’s just player speak for getting a move for money. He’s never hung about anywhere for long , don’t see why we should have been any different
Hows the club to blame? Player said he's outgrown the club, club says he wanted to leave and was causing unrest. What more do you need? It doesn't fit your agenda does it?
More powerful maybe, just like when they could offer morsey more but bigger is pushing it. See where we both are at end of season. Fingers crossed its us above them.