No, not the pikeys across the A1 but the old game, do you remember it? I've a Manchester missus and a couple of kids born in the late 90s and I'm sat here trying to explain it to them. Missus claiming she's never heard of it..
Or just sticks round us. Chuchfield. Great game. We allowed bin lids to be used as a shield. Best way to around shields was to chuck the ball at their feet
Yes I played that. One thing not explained is that individuals in the team trying to get the other team out by hitting them with the ball could not move from the spot when they revived the ball.
Played it for hours over many evenings in my youth. Called it "sticks" in the 1980s when we played it in Penistone , which you had to shout when you rebuilt the 'stumps'. I remember it getting harder to play when plastic pegs started replacing the old fashioned flat-top wooden ones! Man that makes me sound old!
Played it in Worsbrough in the 60s and 70s. We called it sticks, even though we used wooden pegs. Punch was another great game. One player was It and had to chase the others and chuck the tennis ball at them. If you got hit, you were on his side, until eventually there would be a big gang chasing the last player. Players could use their fists to stop the ball hitting them... hence Punch. I don't know who decided that kids need big money presents and the latest tech in order to have fun. We just needed the five B's (balls, bats, bikes, books and board games).
Is that - finger, thumb or rusty dumb (fist) ??? BTW - never knew why a fist was called a rusty dumb. Some called it finger thumb or ‘rusty bum’. Google it.
Three pegs and a tennis ball? 2 teams, one fielding one throwing at the pegs, a throwing player could be caught off the wall and the whole team out if caught off the pegs.Once the pegs are hit and the ball not caught, the fielding team had to chase the throwing team and try to hit them with the ball. When hit, the player swapped sides until the last runner who is then the winner. That's how we played it, we didn't call it pegs but I can't remember what we did call it..... There was a similar game called kick can which I may be getting mixed up with...
We called it sticks. And used those old fashioned, about 4.5 inch long, beige wooden pegs. No problem in getting two teams together cos street were full of kids. There were 10 kids lived next door for example. If ball hit floor then hit the wall and you were caught then you were out. But if ball hit the wall first then you weren’t out. Trapped ball - hitting both wall and floor at same time and you were caught then you weren’t out. And as you said - if ball hit sticks and you were caught then you were all out.
Early 80s at Darfield Snape Hill school, play time entertainment was British Bulldog, Murder Ball and a random one called 'Levy' (Levie?, never knew how to spell it) where the game usually ended with someone getting their arm pulled out of the socket or, at the very least, a sleeve being ripped off their jumper.
In pegs you had to do a bouncer within your 3 attempts or 2 groovers. You could only catch them out on a Groover with one hand. Once the pegs were down and you bolted you could FULL FIST the ball away as it was thrown at you but anywhere else at all and you were out. This often lent itself to the game finishing argument about if you’d fisted it cleanly enough which led to someone announcing “the cheeurting am guwing in” or a fight. Another way the game ended prematurely was if you accurately got someone in the kite trying to get them out at which point the kid departed the game shouting “we said not int face” and crying. This was also a saying during a fight up to the age of 10 In extreme circumstances someone fetched their fatha down
i was thinking about Pegs the other day - walking past the wall we used to play it against. All the kids on the street used to play. And punch and British bulldog. There was another one where you had to run round the outside of the circle of kids - can only remember that bit, cos it's how I broke a tooth falling flat on my face. I feel old.
I remember pegs and putting a window through at Darton lower school with a heavy wet tennis ball during the course of a game. The similar game I recall was hot rice where you were it if the ball went through your legs in the circle at the start and then had to hit everyone else with the ball. I think the targets were allowed to fist it away in that game too. Happy days.
Finger, thumb or rusty dumb. Also known as finger, thumb or rusty bum. How I remember the rules. One individual chosen as the pillar who acted as the umpire. Then two teams made up of 3,4 or more. Decided at toss of a coin who was jumping first. Then the umpire stood against the wall and faced outwards. The other team made a line bent over like a long rugby scrum infront of the umpire. The player bent over at the front of the umpire put his arms around the umpires waist - in sort of a rugby tackle. The other team then, one at a time had to jump on the backs of the line of the other team bent over in a row. The first jumper had to be agile as they ran and then vaulted the full length of the line to enable the rest of his team mates room to get onto the backs of the other team. As each player jumped onto the line - the other team players would be groaning and swaying under the weight of the jumping team. When the last player had jumped on they would shout I’m on - the jumping player at the front would then hold his finger or his thumb or his fist in the face of the umpire - and the umpire would shout ‘finger thumb or rusty dumb’. The player at the front who was bent over with his arms around the umpires waist then had to guess if the team player on his back was holding his finger or thumb or fist up. If he guessed right the umpire would say whether they were right or wrong. If right - then it was the turn of the team bent over to be the jumpers. If the jumpers failed to all get on - or fell off then it was the other teams turn to jump on. If the team bent over collapsed under the weight then the game started again. A great game played by fit kids - there were no fat kids around in those days.
Remember it exactly as described. Played it loads as a kid in the 1970’s. Seem to remember a game called ‘kick can’ too. This obviously involved booting an empty can that had to be retrieved and put back in it’s place while everyone hid.....if I remember it right lol?
Regarding fighting when I was a nipper. One of the owder lads. gid me a smack whilst laikin ont street. ( can’t remember why. ) I went int t’ouse rooorin to mi mam. She took mi back art. Put mi in front on him n said. “ go on kick im betweent legs.” Me “But mam he’ll get mi at schooil “ Mam “ a dunt care. Kick him tweeent legs” He ran off thank god. GREAT TIMES. Ps Btw. we called it Sticks.